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looking to meet some new friends Central Coast

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We are a couple in our early 50's who have relocated from UK to the Central Coast (Point Clare)and we would love to meet up with some people in the area. We have joined the local leagues club etc but find that it's not easy to get chatting to pepole. Any thoughts on how we can break in?? As we really love where we are!!!



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Maybe go along to the club when they have the meat raffles and members' draws, and the like, or see if the club has any sub-groups you could join. Clubs are good on one level but in others, they can be a bit impersonal. I'm a member of Revesby Workers Club in Sydney, and it is a spectacular place, 50,000 members, multiple bars, facilities, but it's also too big to really get to know anyone. They do have various sub-groups and clubs though. I keep meaning to enquire about Toastmasters which is one of the groups they run.


You could also try Googling 'Meet Ups Central Coast, or Gosford' and see what comes up. You may find something you are interested in doing. And classes at the local community college are another way to get out and do things. Finally, another thing I keep meaning to do, but haven't, how about doing some voluntary work?

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Maybe go along to the club when they have the meat raffles and members' draws, and the like, or see if the club has any sub-groups you could join. Clubs are good on one level but in others, they can be a bit impersonal. I'm a member of Revesby Workers Club in Sydney, and it is a spectacular place, 50,000 members, multiple bars, facilities, but it's also too big to really get to know anyone. They do have various sub-groups and clubs though. I keep meaning to enquire about Toastmasters which is one of the groups they run.


You could also try Googling 'Meet Ups Central Coast, or Gosford' and see what comes up. You may find something you are interested in doing. And classes at the local community college are another way to get out and do things. Finally, another thing I keep meaning to do, but haven't, how about doing some voluntary work?


West Sussex? You come from not too far from where I lived - in Hampshire on the west side of Southampton Water. I've been back in Sydney for the last five years after twelve years in the UK, and I've tried to 'push' myself to talk to people, and make friends. I was at the weekly trivia night at my local pub tonight. That's another thing to get into. Do something like that, maybe ask if you can join another team. I've got to know a few of the teams from going regularly. I've gradually built myself a social network. Just going into cafes and pubs regularly and talking to the staff, I've made myself a 'local.' It all helps!

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