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You might not want to go back!

Que Sera Sera

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No one warns you that you might not want to go back even for a visit. 3 times now we have made plans to go back to visit and each time after days of research we back out just before clicking the button to pay for those damn flights. We've been here nearly 4 years now. I'm wondering if its just the distance or the cost. Just can't get our arses in gear to get over there.

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No one warns you that you might not want to go back even for a visit. 3 times now we have made plans to go back to visit and each time after days of research we back out just before clicking the button to pay for those damn flights. We've been here nearly 4 years now. I'm wondering if its just the distance or the cost. Just can't get our arses in gear to get over there.


Perhaps you're afraid you might like it more back home?

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Perhaps you're afraid you might like it more back home?


I am home! But maybe I'm a tinsy bit afraid the OH might? I don't know it was him that pulled out this time. I had booked the accommodation a few trips everything but those darn flights even ordered a new Brit passport for our son as not enough time to get citizenship etc. Before we were to go. I was looking at wedding outfits OH was planning the perviable p*ss up with his Brother before the big day.I genuinely don't know.

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Guest Guest40285
It's not compulsory! Plenty never do! Its a good thing to feel that way as going back is unsettling for many..in my opinion and that of people I know....



What a load of bollox

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Guest The Pom Queen
What a load of bollox

That is why she said in "her" opinion. I think if hubby went back it would unsettle him, me I really have no interest in going back, maybe in a few years if I'm here as my mum is getting too old to travel.

If it was cheaper then it may have helped us head back for a holiday but I'm not spending $15,000 on flights to somewhere I don't want to go

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Guest Guest40285
That is why she said in "her" opinion. I think if hubby went back it would unsettle him, me I really have no interest in going back, maybe in a few years if I'm here as my mum is getting too old to travel.

If it was cheaper then it may have helped us head back for a holiday but I'm not spending $15,000 on flights to somewhere I don't want to go



Yep good on ya TPQ and whatever ya reckon mate

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No one warns you that you might not want to go back even for a visit. 3 times now we have made plans to go back to visit and each time after days of research we back out just before clicking the button to pay for those damn flights. We've been here nearly 4 years now. I'm wondering if its just the distance or the cost. Just can't get our arses in gear to get over there.


I have never had an urge to go back. When we arrived hubby was adamant that we'd go back after 5 years ... 3 years after arriving he said I don't want to go yet ... 7.5 years in and we still don't have the urge - other places we want to spend our money on and see. Had a fab US trip in Jan for my birthday and planning to go to visit my friend in NYC next year ... I'm sure at some point we'll want to make the journey back but for now, we don't feel it.

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We're heading back next week, and TBH up til a few days ago I really couldn't be arsed with the whole thing.


Now its getting closer and I'm starting to plan what we'll be doing, I'm now really looking forward to seeing my family, some old mates, watching England v Italy with my mate Joe and I get the feeling it will stir up some feelings of wanting to go back again.


It's a confusing time going back on holiday

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We're heading back next week, and TBH up til a few days ago I really couldn't be arsed with the whole thing.


Now its getting closer and I'm starting to plan what we'll be doing, I'm now really looking forward to seeing my family, some old mates, watching England v Italy with my mate Joe and I get the feeling it will stir up some feelings of wanting to go back again.

It's a confusing time going back on holiday


You mean it might be a bit unsettling?..oh no thats a load of bollox Ive been told!

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You mean it might be a bit unsettling?..oh no thats a load of bollox Ive been told!


You wouldn't be human IMO if you didn't find it the slightest bit unsettling.


Unless you hated every minute of course, but that wouldn't make for a great holiday would it?

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Of course it will stir up feelings Dom, it has done for everyone I know...you're going to your 'country of origin'..where all your memories were made and where (for many people) old friends and family are....it tugs at the heartstrings...you have a great time..get all nostalgic..you'll come back..be a bit down for a few weeks, have some minor thoughts about what it may be like to return..then realise what side your breads buttered, get back in the swing of life here, realise how much you love it and you'll get on with enjoying your life...par for the course I'd say....I know some who won't go back anymore because it makes them irrational....and upsets the applecart a bit too much

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Of course it will stir up feelings Dom, it has done for everyone I know...you're going to your 'country of origin'..where all your memories were made and where (for many people) old friends and family are....it tugs at the heartstrings...you have a great time..get all nostalgic..you'll come back..be a bit down for a few weeks, have some minor thoughts about what it may be like to return..then realise what side your breads buttered, get back in the swing of life here, realise how much you love it and you'll get on with enjoying your life...par for the course I'd say....I know some who won't go back anymore because it makes them irrational....and upsets the applecart a bit too much


Personally, I look at the life we've built here over nearly 6 years, but I don't see it as country specific: Aus is great but it could just as easily be great for us in the UK.


It's more about the energy, time, friendships and money invested in raising family in a particular place and creating a comfortable existence where we're all pretty happy.


Going back will stir up nostalgic feelings as you say, be a bit unsettling (hopefully only a bit) but then any thoughts of returning will be met with the reality of STARTING ALL OVER AGAIN, and TBH, I can't be arsed with that.

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Unexpectedly I went back last month, been here the 20 month mark, so not quite settled into Oz yet, but still loving it.


yes it was nice to catch up with friends and family, but it did so remind me of why I wanted to leave. That's thing thing!! Why did you want to move from the UK??


Nothing I saw there made me want to go back, its not unsettled me, its done the opposite. Oz is home now and if /when the urge to move on comes, then we shall go.

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I think if you liked the country you came from then of course its a worry. I'm immensely fond of my home town. Maybe we will feel better once we have Citizenship. I actually have a reoccurring dream that we are back in the UK and can't get back here. Its always something stupid like our clothes don't fit in the cases or one of the kids are missing or I've locked myself in somewhere. Maybe its because we had to wait so long for our visa with so many ups and downs. I genuinely want to visit family and friends. Ah well a holiday closer to home isn't all bad. We've not had a family holiday together for over 4 years.

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I think if you liked the country you came from then you f course its a worry. I'm immensely fond if my home town. Maybe we will feel better once we have Citizenship. I actually have a reoccurring dream that we are back in the UK and can't get back here. Its always something stupid like our clothes don't fit in the cases or one of the kids are missing or I've locked myself in somewhere. Maybe its because we had to wait so long for our visa with so many ups and downs. I genuinely want to visit family and friends. Ah well a holiday closerto home iisn't all bad. We've not had a family holiday together for over 4 years.



Aaaaha Cath!:) Pretty sure I had a dream like that before we went back for the first time..its because you love it so much here and are pinching yourselves still! I was nearly four years before we went back for 1st time and prior to that I had no interest at all...

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We're heading back next week, and TBH up til a few days ago I really couldn't be arsed with the whole thing.


Now its getting closer and I'm starting to plan what we'll be doing, I'm now really looking forward to seeing my family, some old mates, watching England v Italy with my mate Joe and I get the feeling it will stir up some feelings of wanting to go back again.


It's a confusing time going back on holiday



Is this the first time you've been back Dom (I can't remember)

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We will be back there in just over a week, for 3 1/2 weeks. Main reason is to attend a Naval College reunion, and then to meet some family members who I have never met, and only found out about while carrying out family research. In our early years out here, we averaged a trip back there every 5 years, mainly so that our children could get to see their grandparents and other family members.

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It's a long hard expensive trip, over all too quickly for those on limited holiday allocation. Last year I went back for 6 weeks - and stayed 5 months! I wish I could afford to go back every year, but even cattle class is a stretch and being cooped up and tired is pretty grim. Still remember last year the excitement of descending into Heathrow via flying over city of London - despite the Ozzie couple near me asking where the sky had gone - Ha Ha!

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Absolutely zero desire to visit. If people want to hang out with us they can come here.

Funny that. None of my family has any desire to come to Australia.


Seems harsh at times, I have to remind myself that it was us who left, not them.

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None of my family has any desire to come to Australia.


Nor most of mine; as such, I'm not motivated to spend $15k+ on such a one sided relationship :wink:

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