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airport formalities for carrying homeopathy medicines


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Hi Friends

I am planning to make my first entry to Oz soon. I will be transiting via Singapore. Since my and my child are on homeopathic medicines, please advice what evidence or approvals we need to carry?

Since homeopathic meds do not have printed label mentioining ingredients do I need my doctor to endorse it on his prescription?

Any advice highly appreciated.





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Hi Nish


Are they pillules or liquids? I am a homeopath and travel alot and was in Australia last year. Most Airport Security know about homeopathy. I would recommend perhaps putting them in a clear bag and when you get to X-ray machine show them

to customs and ask can they not put them through the machine. They say that the X-ray could possibly make them void however on occasion I have forgotten to take them out and they have gone through and were fine so if they insist let them put them through. Hope this helps!

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Hi Paddymacs,


Thank you for your response

They are pills in sugar/alcohol base I guess. Do I need a detailed letter/prescription from the doctor too listing contents ? I will try to request this does not go through x-ray.





Hi Nish


Are they pillules or liquids? I am a homeopath and travel alot and was in Australia last year. Most Airport Security know about homeopathy. I would recommend perhaps putting them in a clear bag and when you get to X-ray machine show them

to customs and ask can they not put them through the machine. They say that the X-ray could possibly make them void however on occasion I have forgotten to take them out and they have gone through and were fine so if they insist let them put them through. Hope this helps!

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No problem Nish yeah if they are the little pillules they are just sugar pills no need for details from Homeopath. If anyone queries them just say they are homeopathic remedies made in sugar pills. If they were to test them that's all they would find is sugar pills hope that helps and enjoy Oz!

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