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Proof of Defacto


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Please help. Has anyone else had to do this for a student visa.


I provided them with loads and loads of evidence inlcuding mortgage statements, our sons birth certificate, bank statements joint and single pay slips everything I had.


Now they want more and have said I need to provide them with something that indicates the relationship has been declared to other government bodies. What does that mean, I cant think of anything, we dont claim tax credits or anything like that.


I am terrible for throwing everything out, if I dont need it in the next month I bin it and they have asked for proof of social relationship i.e. joint holiday documents etc, I dont keep things like that.




any suggestions welcome.

Mandy :arghh:

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Guest 2pigs3piglets

hi there maybe you should ask a friend to write a letter of comfromation to say who and how long you have lived together, and how long they have known you, but see if you can also get a solicitor to be a witness and get them to sign it as well, dont know if it will work but any think helps hay.

good luk tanya and andy

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Guest gemmahey

Is you r partner Aussie? Are you going on a spouse visa?

Get stat Decs done and certified by a solictor form 888 is to be filled out by Aussie citizans i.e partners parents otherwise write a stat dec declaring that the person writing the stat dec ( u.k citizien who has known you and your partner together for over a year) is stating the truth, and get it certified by solicator. i can send you an outline of a stat dec by p.m if you like.

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We are both UK citizens and I am going to study so will be travelling on a student visa, as we are not married we have to prove defacto.


That would be great if you could pm the stat dec as I am going to get both of our mum's to do one and get them to come to the solicitors with us.



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Guest gemmahey

Right sorry cant figure out how to send a p.m withan file so this is it in brief.




Statutory Declaration.







I (NAME) ............................ of ……………..(ADDRESS), occupation………………. do solemnly declare as follows the reason I am submitting a statutory declaration and providing necessary information.

The reason I am submitting a statutory declaration is that ……………

I do solemnly declare that all the information provided is complete and correct in every detail.

I make this solemn declaration by virtue of the Statuary Declaration Act 1835 and subject to penalties provided by the Act for the making of false statements in Statuary Declarations, conscientiously believing the statements contained in this declaration to be true in every particular.



Declared at:



Stamp of Witness:





Hope this helps, just go to a solitor and they will stamp it doesnt cost alot.

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