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Six weeks back - my impressions (warning, whinge)


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UK is cheaper don't care what anyone says it's cheaper eucalyptus oil dearer which is a bummer ! lol but for ya day to day things it's far cheaper , eating out cheaper and better quality for the money !


Maybe I was staying in an expensive part of the UK because I'll agree to disagree with you Shelly :cool:

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UK is cheaper don't care what anyone says it's cheaper eucalyptus oil dearer which is a bummer ! lol but for ya day to day things it's far cheaper , eating out cheaper and better quality for the money !


I agree 100%, it is obvious to us everyday but what I can't understand is how others can see the opposite, it makes no sense lol

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South west Scotland. Absolutely beautiful place. I have to say the only supermarket was Tescos. Is it dearer than the others? I didn't do any clothes shopping so can't compare prices - nor did I buy wine or beer.


Well I would expect that area to be more expensive but really don't know ? With only one supermarket no competition.

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Maybe I was staying in an expensive part of the UK because I'll agree to disagree with you Shelly :cool:


Im staying at ellesmere next to Oswestry I have a tesco not far but believe u me in in all the shops so I would say midlands I am , now pound land is pound land is it not lol , I've been pubs English country pubs for pie chips and begs proper chips for a fiver 4:95 to be exact and pints are cheaper Tia Maria is cheaper in the pubs on a par with oz in the bottle if no offer on , diet coke 48 cans for ten quid ! On offer ! Can sizes are 330 ml I have been the black lake for pie and chips and peas for 8 quid and a fag with me pie !! I have also been the swan with two necks and the wayefarer for wine and a al a carte , 15 quid a meal melted in my mouth could of eat it a gain , I had creme brûlée for desert , think that was a fiver , and all homemade yummie , and I have been cafes for full English 3:25 and it was great ! Aldi is Aldi cheaper than brissie Aldi I buy Ono spa powder 30 $ a box I buy bold 2 in one here which is 5 quid a big box on offer and fairy if it's the babies clothes ! Cases of beer cheaper not that I've bought any but I notice for my hubbie lol , sanitary towels 7 dollars in oz for mine a quid on pound land for same lmao , cleaning stuff all a quid in pound land exactly the same domestos a quid on offer or 1:25 when not ! I could go on and on towels good quality in dunelm I got excited I bout 25 decent tea towel quality tea towel for 1:50 each , clothes shops and shoes far cheaper ! Next home is decent stuff cheaper bedding in dunelm the feel for 65 quid for a king size I got in the bed pmsl , listen I go them all I can find the bargains and decent quality ! Sofas well it depends what u want I haven't looked carny fit it in me case anyway . Salad dead cheap I eat a lot of salad too . 39p for a cucumber 84p for a bag of lettuce iceberg 80p for plum toms I could go on lol :)

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Curries 4 of us other night come to 78 pounds but we all had a curry nan rice 4 pints two Tia Maria's not bad and Chinese I'm not a lover 25 quid for 4 of us but still nice I've had one crap curry here though but that's how it is :) and when I got here went for a curry 3 of us drinks aswell 45 quid , and I have eaten out most days a quid for a bottle of diet coke when ya thirsty and just want a bottle lol and when I was in Perth I took my friend for a curry 4 of us 200 dollars one drink each I had water ! I go spice avenue our curry for two of us and 2 drinks 75 dollars approx give or take a dollar :)

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Milk chocolate digestives on offer in tesco this morning jumbo pack 1pound 14 bought 5 packs lol mcvitities too :) scotch eggs pork pie the lot and variety UK has ! That's what I love and miss after all ya carny sit on a beach all day got to go about ya day today business great holiday destination different when living there but y holiday there when u can have sun and sand in a few hrs practically on ya doorstep ! But hey ho ya live and learn ! Fruit cheaper potatoes cheaper ect ...toiletries Linz shower gel deodorants all a quid in pound land lol :) so ya everyday things cheaper ! By far ! Meat is dearer in UK fillet steak and chicken dearer !

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I have made a point of comparisons too . Fifi 69 , and I carny get a cucumber for 39 pence :) and I have shopped till I've dropped ! :)and pigged out lol not that I'm bothered about the cost either way but I am bothered for quality and variety ! And bothered that a cucumber can some times be 3:98 dollars :)

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I will completely agree with rail travel being really expensive. I live 20 minutes from London but for the three of us to go it costs £34 with a railcard or over £50 without.


Sofa: We got our brand new one for less then £500. Not sure if there is one in Southampton but we got our first Sofa at British Heart foundation (Furniture one) and got a lovely sofa for £90 including delivery. They also do other cheap furniture too. We also have another local second hand furniture shop called Ecco.


Eating out: I think its comparable to Sydney to be honest, I found in Sydney some places really cheap and some really expensive. I remembered one take away in Sydney it was a kebab style thing with rice was $40!!!! For take away! But then Thai take away was reasonable and other places such as the malls were very reasonable and some tavans. Same as in England, some places are really cheap and others are expensive.


Cars: Depends on what type of car you want you can get cars for £1000 or you can spend tens of thousands. Have a look maybe on gumtree?


Furnished: Unfortunately it is difficult to get furnished properties in England :( most I have ever had was part furnished.


Not sure if you both have jobs or not but personally I think its comparable. First time I went Australia the pound was very weak against the dollar and I found it ridiculous expensive in Perth and Sydney but if I was earning dollars then it would have all been relative. I went back recently and because the pound was stronger found my money went further this time.


I hope you manage to settle in, its always a big thing moving abroad but if you need any tips on places where to buy things etc sure the lovely folk on here will be able to help!

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Milk chocolate digestives on offer in tesco this morning jumbo pack 1pound 14 bought 5 packs lol mcvitities too :) scotch eggs pork pie the lot and variety UK has ! That's what I love and miss after all ya carny sit on a beach all day got to go about ya day today business great holiday destination different when living there but y holiday there when u can have sun and sand in a few hrs practically on ya doorstep ! But hey ho ya live and learn ! Fruit cheaper potatoes cheaper ect ...toiletries Linz shower gel deodorants all a quid in pound land lol :) so ya everyday things cheaper ! By far ! Meat is dearer in UK fillet steak and chicken dearer !


Yes totally agree, so much stuff is cheaper and so much of it significantly cheaper. Agree steak is more but we only pay £3 a kilo for chicken breast which is comparable.

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I think it probably is ignorance (in the nicest possible way!). It's a similar story to those who move to Australia, shop in one place then claim that it's so much more expensive.

It's only when you change your buying habits that you can make a real comparison. For instance, I did an online shop here and compared it with an almost identical one from Woolworths - Woolworths came out much more expensive, but, when I'm in Australia I don't buy the same things as I buy here. If I compare my shop here with what I buy there, there very little difference. Once you get used to shopping the way the British do, I'm sure you'll find the same.

Set up costs are massive wherever you are. Everywhere has added charges, admin fees etc. It's irritating and makes you feel like you're being ripped off, but once you're through the pain of it, things do get better. We've moved so many times and I dread to think of the amount of money which has gone to line someone else's pockets with nothing to show for it!


I never eat in chain restaurants (with the exception of Wagamama and Pizza Express) because they are overpriced, poor quality tat. I seek out little cafes and pubs which tend to be better quality and cheaper. My parents are retired and there are so many pubs and cafes which do special prices on weekday lunchtimes for pensioners (these times are obviously quieter, so they attract older people by offering good deals). My parents aren't massively wealthy, but they do eat out two or three times a week and two courses of proper home cooked lunches can be around £5.


Try to find factory outlet shops for your sofas - they're tend to be on industrial estates or big retail parks. Or you could look on your local facebook buy and sell page. Loads of people change their sofas every time they decorate, so you could get a real bargain!!

Supermarkets are good places to pick up cheap electrical stuff - own brand mixers, irons, kettles etc can be bought for under £10 and they work fine (we kitted out two kids for uni this way and the quality is fine).


All this said, I do feel for you. We were only away for four years the first time and the culture shock on returning was awful. Nothing felt right - everything was ugly, expensive and I hated it! It really did take two years to feel settled and appreciate this country again. It was making friends and getting involved in life here which was the big turning point for me and we'd returned to the place we'd left and our old friends, so I can only imagine how disconnected you must be feeling.

Will you be staying in Southampton? I have to say, I've only visited it twice, but nothing would tempt me to live there!


I totally agree with the cost of train travel. It's horrendous, especially in comparison to Sydney, but if you can book well in advance it does bring the cost down significantly. Have you checked to see if you're entitled to a bus pass? https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/travel-leisure-and-food/transport/public-transport/concessionary-fares-for-public-transport/concessionary-fares-for-older-passengers-in-england/

Maybe you won't because you've just arrived, but it might be worth checking if you haven't already?


Good luck with it all. I remember feeling like you do now and wanting to jump straight back on a plane. It is horrible, but nothing has to be for ever. Take each day as it comes and try to see something good every day - easier said than done, I know!

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Just checked Wetherspoons website for breakfast's and for a trad English its £2.99 where I am.(Not a lover of cooked brekkies myself but for £2.99,that sounds cheap to me.You can buy a re fillable filter coffee to go with it for 99p,and refill as many times as you like which seems cheap to me.Eating out?I wouldn't expect to pay over £15 for a main course meal and sometimes you can buy 2 courses for £10.As for furniture,Debenhams usually have good sales on sofa's and other furniture and its good quality too.

Marisa would you have returned to the UK if your OH wasn't so sun sensitive?Im asking because you sound pretty bitter atm?I've lived in both countries and love both.

I checked out my local Coles in SA closest to where I was staying when I was back last year,and here's the latest online brochure for those who want to see the difference.I think whats good about the UK grocery shop wise is there is a lot of choice.Anyway............



and for sofa's.....


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Stopped off at the bull in ditching yesterday, as we'd been for a long walk and we needed the toilet. Bought a couple of drinks, pint of London stout and a pint of diet coke. £7.40. Nearly wet myself. Needless to say we didn't eat there.


If we buy something like a sofa we'll wait for a sale. We actually bought ours from an ex display place up north. We'd seen the sofas in dfs, so we knew they were comfy. They cost under £250, over £800. retail.


We always order cheap when we eat out. Never have starters, share a desert. We rarely drink out as that's were the profits are. We often breakfast at a chain near us, as they let the kids eat free. Works out a fiver each, with unlimited drinks and toast etc, plus a good full English. If we want to spoil ourselves we'll go somewhere more upmarket, but it will be top quality for under a tenner. I had similar in ellenbrook for about the same.


Trains I always get my mother in law to book. Somehow she manages to get Brighton to London with tube for under a tenner. Witchcraft or canny use of the internet. Not sure how you would get from ellenbrook to Perth on public transport.


When I was in Perth eighteen months ago it blew my budget. Everything costs the earth. But the exchange rate was rubbish. When I go back there in six months time, I expect to pay half as much.


I would say, on current exchange rates, there's not a lot in it. Of course there is the tourist effect, and the new arrival effect. When you don't know where to shop, or you have to buy now and pay the going price. (You buy cars second hand in march September when the new plates come out and there's loads of tradeins.


Come on guys, keep it real, this is a dynamic world.

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We're in Southampton. We traipsed around as many furniture shops as we could find including a couple of retail parks, and searched online. Even Homebase wanted £499 for their sofas and $425 for a bed base. In the end we bought an Ikea three-seater for £325.


An English breakfast with coffee in Sydney would cost $10 to $15, we're paying more here. Pub meals are relatively affordable here if we go for the specials, but the specials are still more expensive than the specials in a Sydney pub (e.g. steak or schnitzel with chips and salad $10, ribs and rump $15, both offers available at several pubs near us).


Anyway do you really want to eat in pubs all the time? In Sydney we had three local Italians where we could get a big seafood pizza for $20 and bring our own wine - total for the night, $30. Or we'd eat Thai or Indian - $15 to 20 each for mains plus our own wine, total around $50.


We haven't fully researched the car market yet but looking at dealers, I'm seeing most of their cars are over £5 grand.


We bought some new sofas when we got back in January, we went to Next Home and cost us about £800 each, which we thought was "mid" budget, I am sure we could have kept it well under £500 had we wanted to.


I am baffled by your comments on eating out though for both UK and Sydney. I don't have major complaints on either really but breakfast in Sydney for $10-15?? Are you serious? I don't think we ever spent less than $20 for the absolute minimum, usually breakfast was a $50 affair for two of us and I can honestly say I have never been to a restaurant in Sydney where it was normal to BYOB. (I have seen one or two local places in the suburbs that maybe do this, that is all).


To me, it has always appeared that there are plenty of second hand cars available for all budgets in both countries, I never really could work out why Australia had this reputation of being so expensive for cars. When we moved to Sydney we bought a 3 year old mazda and the price we paid was entirely comparable with the price I saw for same model in UK.


Train fares are shocking in the UK. I went into London last week, 10am so not rush hour and it cost me £15.40 for a single ticket, the journey is 35-40 minutes.

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I think that comparing the prices between the two countries is like comparing chalk and cheese. The wages earned in each country goes hand in hand with the cost of living and when you add the varying exchange rate to the equation it becomes impossible to really compare prices. But l must say that a beer in Perth is expensive.

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