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Getting on to bridging visa earlier


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Hi everyone, I have just submitted my 189 application and have been granted a Bridging Visa A, however the BVA does not take effect until my tourist visa has ceased, which will take another 2.5 months.


I just got a job offer but to accept it I need working rights (which tourist visa does not grant me, of course). Is there any way that I can either cancel my tourist visa for the BVA to take place immediately or any other way around to obtain working rights ASAP?


Thanks in advance!



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@Bungo hi i just want to ask my family and i are currently onshore through 457 visa we already lodged our 190 visa last June 27, so automatically they gave us BVA but it will be in effect once our 457 visa expires and our PR has still no final descision right? Our 457 visa will expires on Dec 21 of this year, this coming Sept me and my kids will need to visit my father in the Philippines because of his health condition, and will be back 2 weeks after , i just want to know what if by that time we still not have our grant so we can still legally travel outside Australia since our 457 visa is still valid right? What if the descision comes and we are still in the Philippines does it affect our entry or return in OZ, my husband who's the primary applicant will not accompanying us in the Philippines, thank you!

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Leah28, since your 457 is still valid, you still need to meet the conditions of this visa. A 457 has unlimited travel rights, so you can go on your trip and return. If you wouldn't be returning until after your 457 had expired and if your 190 wasn't yet finalised (so your BVA was in effect), you'd need to apply for a BVB to allow you to re-enter Australia.

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Leah28, since your 457 is still valid, you still need to meet the conditions of this visa. A 457 has unlimited travel rights, so you can go on your trip and return. If you wouldn't be returning until after your 457 had expired and if your 190 wasn't yet finalised (so your BVA was in effect), you'd need to apply for a BVB to allow you to re-enter Australia.


thank you for your reply, yeah we will be returning before 457 visa expires, our 457 will expire Dec 21 and our return is October 3 so 457 is still valid :) one thin more im just wondering what if while in the Philippines our PR was granted thus it affect our return here in OZ or we can go back with no worries at all :)

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So your BVA will not be active at the time of your trip. But going offshore will "cancel" it and in order for it to activate in December when the 457 runs out, you will need to go to immigration and get it reinstated after your trip.


By then, maybe you will have the 190 though, in which case nothing to do.

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So your BVA will not be active at the time of your trip. But going offshore will "cancel" it and in order for it to activate in December when the 457 runs out, you will need to go to immigration and get it reinstated after your trip.


By then, maybe you will have the 190 though, in which case nothing to do.


This changed a while ago didn't it? Now it doesn't cancel unless you are out when it kicks in.

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Could be wrong but..I didn't think you could have two visa's at the same time? When I got my VB whilst on a tourist visa the VB superseded the tourist visa. You should pop into Immigration and check? I would. If you have been granted a visa B then your on a visa B..??

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Could be wrong but..I didn't think you could have two visa's at the same time? When I got my VB whilst on a tourist visa the VB superseded the tourist visa. You should pop into Immigration and check? I would. If you have been granted a visa B then your on a visa B..??


You are quite right you cannot have two visas at once. Who said that you could though?


A bridging visa will never supersede a substantive visa, it sits there inactive until the substantive visa expires.

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