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189 visa activation question


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My brother in law has completed the visa and submitted everything he's only got the medicals left which are later on this month, question is if he gets his approval how long does he have to activate the visa, also how long does he have to stay in Australia to keep his 189 visa valid, he is thinking of coming across and activating the visa but will be flying back to the uk, he doesn't know if he'll be still in uk for 6 months or a year wrapping his business up, but obviously he doesn't want to lose this visa, i know you can renew this visa every 4 years but out of that 4 years how long spent in oz?




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Our 186 visa allowed just under a year to activate and 5 years from date of issue of unrestricted travel in and out before an RRV was required. If your brother is in before that final date (and has activated the visa before the first date) as long as he stays in Australia he is fine. It is only if he wants to leave for any reason that he'll need to look at the requirements for an RRV, which typically requires you to have spent 2 of the last 5 years in Australia (https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/155-).


Of course if they have PR they can go for citizenship after 4 years (certain exemptions apply) of residency.

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He has to activate within 12 months of police or medical reports - which ever is earlier.


There is no need to stay any length of time. As long as he goes through passport control, has could in theory jump on the next plane back.


He he then has 5 years from date of grant. When he gets his visa, it will have the two dates on it. The first entry date and the date travel rights expire.

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