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Why do Visa applications get refused?

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Guest mtcosby
:unsure:Why do Visa applications tend to be refused? If someone is fit, healthy, has the necessary qualifications etc. No police record not even a parking ticket? Is there anything I may have left off?


Hi MattCath


Just read your tex, have you had a visa refused or are you asking ' can a visa be refused?'

Are you with an agent? or have you gone it alone?

Sorry with all the questions.... but if you give us abit more info to go on, someone on here can help you out.

Kind regards Tracey

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Hi thanks for response. No I havent been refused and I have only just got in touch with and agent but typical me I have to look for worse case senario.

I cannot think of any reason we should be refused but what if we are! Nerves setting in I guess, People must be turned down and I wondered what would be the reason?:twitcy:

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You dont hear of many being refused ,i think the most common reason is the skills,sometimes people dont go into depth enough or just dont have the relevant post qualification experience.There is also a small minority who find the medical brings up a problem they didnt know about,as i say not many get refused so i wouldnt dwell on it too much,lol

good luck with your application

Cal x

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Only a very small percentage gets turned down but it does happen.

If I recall correctly the agency I went with Quoted 98% successes rate.


Each visa class has its own set of criteria, which you have to comply with.

It may not be lack of skills it could be a technicality.:policeman:


The rules seem to change each year, which make it confusing.


So if you are unsure or close to the age of 45 then get advice from a registered




This is what happened to me


I am sure the rules have changed since I applied


When I first applied


I was turned down on my first attempt on a technicality

(Out of trade for more than six months prior to my application).

Even though I had over 20 years continuous experience in my trade prior to the six months out of trade!

(Company I worked for went into liquidation)



On my second attempt very nearly did not get in because of the earnings of my sponsor

Were not sufficient in the last year of the previous three years 200 dollars short!:arghh:


I was very fortunate to get a second sponsor.:jiggy::v_SPIN:

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Guest debbiedavo

Hi Mattcath


My OH was refused first time around because we had'nt put enough detail into our statements:cry:. OH had worked in same industry for 25 years but he had no formal qualifications so we had to go the long way round ( think they were just lookin for an excuse meself ha ). We were finally granted a state sponsored visa:biglaugh:, but our agent was the one who had the confidence that we would get there I was already being melodramatic about the whole thing. Keep your chin up and just go for it, don't worry about the what if's until if and when they happen.


Will keep my fingers crossed for you. GOOD LUCK


Debbie xxxxxx:wubclub:

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