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I have finally started the process !

Que Sera Sera

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I have today received all the paperwork from the agent. I will fill it in today and send it off with the payment tomorrow. So the process has finally started. :jiggy:

But at what stage of the process do I tell the children ?:err:

Hi sorry cant help with kids bit (none to tell) but we didn't tell anyone until we'd passed the TRA we wanted to wait till it was full steam ahead so to speak!

(full steam ahead ahh lol) wish we'd waited longer now as everyone kinda expects you to be up & off soon & when all you can reply is dont no when were going! not heard anything (think people think we've changed our minds & others well lets not go there!)

so my advise wait till you are deffo well on the way before you say too much you can always test the water with a few remarks here & there

as i say my experience & sure others will give theres

hope it helps

good luck

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Guest roma 1
Good luck with it all i remember it all to well when we starting the initial process. We told our children more or less straight away well the two older ones.

Best wishes with it all this is where the stress kicks in now

Tania X

we told our girl aged 10 as we started the journey to oz ,never leaving her out as it is her journey as well as ours. just tell them the facts depending on their age good luck

love gail xx

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Thanks for the advice I think I should tell the children quite soon having said that the 14 year old has probably worked out something is going on! Mind you to be quite honest its the Mother in Law I am worried about telling, our son is her only grandchild!

Its easier for me because both my parents died when I was young. My husband is more keen on going than me so hopefully he will be able to ignore the guilt.

I found one thing funny though reading through the paperwork. My ex husband left me when my daughters were 5 and 2. He moved down the road but was always too busy to see them and never provided financially for them anyway to cut along story (and moan!) short.He moved to Wynnum QLD 3 years ago and my eldest daughter is now living with them but, I have to ask his permission to move our younger daughter to oz with us! How does that work? Spiteful person that he is he may just say no for the hell of it!

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