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House sitting in uk!


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Hi folks,we are a married couple looking to house sit/boat/flat/static caravan! in the uk preferably in the south! or would consider other areas! we are very clean and tidy and have references if needed! ! Previously lived in oz for 3 years! ) Please inbox me for more info! many thanks:jiggy:

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Thanks guys. parleycross not looking to live rent free but some people want people they can trust to look after their houses and water plants etc and take good care of their pets while they are away x


and free rent.


If you are so trustworthy be honest that that is why you do it. Not just to be nice to strangers.

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I give up.

It shouldn't be that hard to just say I want a free holiday down south instead of always saying what the other person wants.


I don't know you but this would put me off a bit that you don't answer a straight question very easily.

Any way good luck and I hope you find what you are looking for.


I won't derail your thread any more by trying to understand your motivation.

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I'm not bitter about anything.


It is a good way to get free holidays if it works. Just be honest about it. It is nothing to be ashamed of.


We have done this a few times in Oz and the U.K. when travelling around. We do a service and in return get accommodation rent free. We have made lovely friends along the way and we keep getting asked back to the same houses. We love animals but don't have any of our own at the moment as we flip backwards and forwards between Oz and the U.K. Therefore it gives us a chance to enjoy the pets too. We have looked after cats, chickens bunnies and occasionally dogs. It's great and everyone is happy

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Don't know why the OP was pretending it was like an act of charity.


For crying out loud, pc....put a sock in it! House sitting has been going on for aeons and it's a transaction which suits both parties: house owners get the benefit of someone caring for animals, plants and having the house lived in (so less of a security risk) and the sitters have free accommodation to suit them - sometimes for a holiday, sometimes because they are "in between" their own residences for a short period, sometimes because they are doing a "reccie" to move and want to know how it feels to actually live in that community for a while. Some people prefer it as a lifestyle - must have a bit of gypsy in their soul.


The OP wasn't pretending anything. The fact that you quickly jumped to the "miserly" motive says a lot more about you than the OP.

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Skani I was simply pointing out that someone who was trumpetting their trustworthiness was being less than honest about their motives.


I have nothing against the arrangement, but don't like it if someone pretends they are doing it only to be kind to someone else when actually it is really about getting a free holiday or free rent for themself.

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People's "motives" for the way they arrange their holidays is no business of yours or anyone else. Any business transaction (which housesitting is) can be seen as inherently selfish - I benefit you by doing this and you benefit me by doing the other.


You wouldn't expect to have to defend your choice of a holiday park rather than a 5 star hotel - whatever your "motives" were. It's no one else's business.

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Skani I was simply pointing out that someone who was trumpetting their trustworthiness was being less than honest about their motives.


I have nothing against the arrangement, but don't like it if someone pretends they are doing it only to be kind to someone else when actually it is really about getting a free holiday or free rent for themself.


Haha - well we have had ribbing from some of our own relatives and friends who imply that housesitting is for cheapskates, but actually it is a very smart way of travelling around. I have to admit there is no way we could afford to have travelled the two countries like we have if we had to pay between $100 and $200 per night which we have often had to do. The houseowners are so grateful and we have received lovely gifts from Israel, Budapest, Hungary, Russia, NZ, Spain etc from those who have been able to travel in the knowledge that their home and pets are safe. We've really enjoyed doing it. Something that benefits everyone cant be bad!!

Incidentally, we do have our own home too but, in reality, one could make it a full time occupation and live totally rent or mortgage free - very smart I reckon :)

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