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Que Sera Sera

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Hi, just a quick question to all you Ozzy dwellers. Two of the kids suffer quite badly with hayfever. Does anyone find it a probem in Oz or does it make a difference where abouts you live. Just mulling it over while my husband ploughs his way through the TRA forms.:spinny:

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Guest Rickard Family

OMG you must have read my mind...my OH Clint suffers really bad with hayfever and asthma and recently it is driving him mad, so would totally sympathize's with your kids! and he said the thought of him suffering all year round in OZ would be just unbearable...told him today i would ask someone on PIO so i also would be interested in the response, we are hopefully heading to the Gold Coast and not sure if it depends where in OZ you live.



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Guest Ms_Fi

It's just the same as over here - obviously you're going to suffer more in the rural areas but there are still triggers in the cities.


I use Benadryl in the UK and have found hayfever medication in Aus to be easily available and in some cases cheaper as they have more generic medication than we have here.

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I too have just looked into this. My husband suffers terribly, as I type, his eyes are full of blisters. Not at all good. From what I have read, I understand the further south in Oz yo go, the worse the hayfever is. Worst cities are Canberra and Melbourne....guess where we are heading? That's right, Melbourne. :-(


I am just hoping that it's not as severe there as Uk. My husband has never suffered whenever we have been anywhere on hols so we are just keeping our fingers crossed.



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Guest CathCol

Hi - sitting here with eyes like bugs wondering the same thing - doesn't look that hopeful!!:arghh:

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To be honest everyones hayfever can be set off by different types of pollens and bacteria. My sister in law didn't suffer in England but she now suffers on the Gold Coast. Not badly mind you. So who knows! I'm allergic to the silver birch tree when it pollenates which is around Feb/March in the UK but I don't react to anything in the summer!


Also, apparently, asthma is helped by warmer weather.



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Guest Wallace

Oh dear. I suffer with awful hayfever in the UK and was really hoping there was some brighter news for allergies down under, haha! I guess it was wishful thinking the problem may be less over there!?! Apparently a bit of advice for hayfever sufferers out there.. I have been told quite frequently the last couple of weeks that if you buy local honey and eat a few teaspoons (in food or drink) twice a day, then this reduces the hayfever symptoms. Its worth a go I suppose? Apparently here in the UK they advise to start doing this around Feb time!?!

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Ok I'll share this with you because I care.


From 17 I have sufferd from hayfever, I sufferd in Aus back in the 90's In Canada and in Singapore.

Singapore is were the story begins. On route to Aus we stopped over for 6 days One day my hayfever got so bad I had no option but to try an old Chinnese remidy. A teaspoon of my own wee. I enterd a public toilet suffering. But did I have a teaspoon? no. But I had a bottle lid. I weed in it and drunk it. Woke up next morning feeling like a singapore sling. I never sufferd in Aus maybe the odd sneeze but that was it. Got back toour wonderful green land and did not suffer. Not till june 2 anyway. Then it hit me with avengence. A little more wee and I have not sufferd since.

Now you may think I'm talking rubbish 2 of my mates have done the same and it has worked. The pore little sod next tryed and now he's hooked on it but it never worked.

Try it give it till next morning and you may see the Diffrence.






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Ok I'll share this with you because I care.



From 17 I have sufferd from hayfever, I sufferd in Aus back in the 90's In Canada and in Singapore.

Singapore is were the story begins. On route to Aus we stopped over for 6 days One day my hayfever got so bad I had no option but to try an old Chinnese remidy. A teaspoon of my own wee. I enterd a public toilet suffering. But did I have a teaspoon? no. But I had a bottle lid. I weed in it and drunk it. Woke up next morning feeling like a singapore sling. I never sufferd in Aus maybe the odd sneeze but that was it. Got back toour wonderful green land and did not suffer. Not till june 2 anyway. Then it hit me with avengence. A little more wee and I have not sufferd since.

Now you may think I'm talking rubbish 2 of my mates have done the same and it has worked. The pore little sod next tryed and now he's hooked on it but it never worked.

Try it give it till next morning and you may see the Diffrence.










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Guest Wallace

OHMIGOD you cannot be serious about drinking your own wee, that sounds awful and I am guessing you must have been desperate to have tried that! I think I might just stick to the honey, thanks for the advice!!

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OHMIGOD you cannot be serious about drinking your own wee, that sounds awful and I am guessing you must have been desperate to have tried that! I think I might just stick to the honey, thanks for the advice!!



I was desperate and it worked.

Honey is old wifes tale. If you like suffering, you do so. I had a horrible taste in my mouth for about 5 secounds


weigh it up 5 secounds or whole days. it's up to you Mr Wallace

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Guest Rickard Family

OMG are you being really serious, cause if i tell Clint to do this... and he does then i come on here tomorrow and you say sorry guys i was joking he will never forgive me!!!:twitcy:

who's going to be the first to admit they have tried it:biglaugh:.

i have heard of the honey but i was told it had to be local honey produced near you.


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OMG are you being really serious, cause if i tell Clint to do this... and he does then i come on here tomorrow and you say sorry guys i was joking he will never forgive me!!!:twitcy:

who's going to be the first to admit they have tried it:biglaugh:.

i have heard of the honey but i was told it had to be local honey produced near you.




What is the worst that can happen?

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hahaha brilliant drink your own wee, never heard that one b4!:twitcy: i suffer terribly and have hayfever induced asthma so at present on a bad day i start sneezing continuously, then i try scratching my eyes out then my hands star shaking and my eyes and nose are streaming to the point i look like some old drunken smack head! this is not an attractive look! i tried all the over the counter tablets and none worked i have finally settled on a prescription for a product called telfast and it works, thankgod. when we were in spain lat year i had a bad episode where i was taking a virtual attack and could hardly breath it is an awful thing to suffer from. so pee it is, ill let you know if it works!

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hahaha brilliant drink your own wee, never heard that one b4!:twitcy: i suffer terribly and have hayfever induced asthma so at present on a bad day i start sneezing continuously, then i try scratching my eyes out then my hands star shaking and my eyes and nose are streaming to the point i look like some old drunken smack head! this is not an attractive look! i tried all the over the counter tablets and none worked i have finally settled on a prescription for a product called telfast and it works, thankgod. when we were in spain lat year i had a bad episode where i was taking a virtual attack and could hardly breath it is an awful thing to suffer from. so pee it is, ill let you know if it works!



I'm not sure if girls wee counts. But hey it's better not to have never tryed

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well it better because i love my husband but i draw the line at drinking his pee!:biglaugh:


I'd never ask you to do such a thing.


It needs to be your own wee.


Go on girl try it.. if it don't work don't tell anyone.

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Guest stockies

Hi guys there could be some truth in it, I used to suffer terribly with chilblains and some body once told me if i stood in my own pee it gets rid if them, so i tried it and have never had anymore.!!!


Go on give it a go I dare you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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hahaha brilliant drink your own wee, never heard that one b4!:twitcy: i suffer terribly and have hayfever induced asthma so at present on a bad day i start sneezing continuously, then i try scratching my eyes out then my hands star shaking and my eyes and nose are streaming to the point i look like some old drunken smack head! this is not an attractive look! i tried all the over the counter tablets and none worked i have finally settled on a prescription for a product called telfast and it works, thankgod. when we were in spain lat year i had a bad episode where i was taking a virtual attack and could hardly breath it is an awful thing to suffer from. so pee it is, ill let you know if it works!



You suffer badly by the sound of it. Have you thought of going to a skin prick clinic and finding out exactly what sort of things set you off? Or maybe you should see your GP about having the injections. They are raved about at the mo.

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Ok I'll share this with you because I care.



From 17 I have sufferd from hayfever, I sufferd in Aus back in the 90's In Canada and in Singapore.

Singapore is were the story begins. On route to Aus we stopped over for 6 days One day my hayfever got so bad I had no option but to try an old Chinnese remidy. A teaspoon of my own wee. I enterd a public toilet suffering. But did I have a teaspoon? no. But I had a bottle lid. I weed in it and drunk it. Woke up next morning feeling like a singapore sling. I never sufferd in Aus maybe the odd sneeze but that was it. Got back toour wonderful green land and did not suffer. Not till june 2 anyway. Then it hit me with avengence. A little more wee and I have not sufferd since.

Now you may think I'm talking rubbish 2 of my mates have done the same and it has worked. The pore little sod next tryed and now he's hooked on it but it never worked.

Try it give it till next morning and you may see the Diffrence.








:nah:Try a whole bottle of red wine.(it wont cure the hayfever but you won't care anymore!)

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ive never heard of that kate, what is it?



Do you mean the injections? It's a kind of new thing that you can get on the NHS now I think. It's an injection of a steroid so you only have 2 or 3 a year as they can be very harmful if you have too many. Basically an injection covers you for something like 6 weeks. It's definitely worth a chat with your GP if you think your hayfever cripples you enough and normal medication doesn't help.


A friend of mine is having some this year but I haven't met anyone that has actually had them yet! But they read up well.



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Guest Rickard Family

I saw on the One Show the other night that the injctions were 1st done in the 80s but stopped being done wide spread as many asthma induced sufferers would have the injection ( of something you was allergic too, similar to anti venom method) To make you immune. They would be sent home unsupervised and die of asthma attacks. Many doctors were not trained enough for this but now they recommend if you use an experienced doc it is 100% cure. I am s<*@ scared of needles though. But i will try it when i go to Oz if need be, not worth doing here as would be allergic to different things there. Clinton.:arghh:

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