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Que Sera Sera

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Hi there,


I live in Mornington and suffered terrible hayfever in the UK. On a bad day it would set of an asthma attack as well. I think in the 9 months I've been here I have had about 6 days where it has been bad enough for me to take my antihistamine tablet and another 6 days where I have used my inhaler - funnily enough I haven't had runny nose and eyes and a wheezy chest on the same day. I have also found it is quite unpredictable too - the weather is little indication as to whether I am going to suffer whereas in the UK the hot weather and a rainy day set me off.



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thats the same as me felicity, its usually the rainy damp days that make me worse as i type this im quite bad this morning i have a docs app shortly to get more tablets enough to cover me while on hols in oz but hopefully i may not need them!


I used to get unbranded zirtek and clarytin from my sister (she's a pharmaceutical dispenser) and am just coming to the end of the stock she bought over for me in January. It's come in quite handy cos on the days I haven't needed to take it for hayfever I have had to take it for my allergic reactions to mozzie bites. It can be bought over the counter here though - the pharmacist who helped me with my mozzie bites said the hayfever tablets I had were good and he suggested more of the same when I need to restock.


I think that you should find some relief Kelly and that it won't be as bad as summer in the UK. Damp days (few and far between here) aren't good but nowhere near as bad as I have experienced.



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Guest Rickard Family

Hi Felicity, thats brill news you could have just saved Clint from a dose of his own medicine:biglaugh:...he just asked me to check to see if anyone had taken essex to aus's advice(drink your own wee!)...wanted to know if it worked:twitcy:.


And kelly when's your hols to OZ? let us know how your hayfever and asthma is Clint got DR's tonight he's going through his pumps like nobodies business!


Anyone know about eczema poor Clint gets that too and if we go abroad all 3 seem to ease...so here's hopeing,thanks



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hi guys we go away on sunday so i,ll let you know how i find it, i have just been given a ventolin inhaler and tablets called telfast (fexofenadine hydrochloride) these are very good but you can only get them from the gp it may be worth asking clints doc tonite?

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I know it's the Sunday Mirror but here's a link that could help back up John's wee claim




then there's Urine Therapy: A cure for all diseases


My OH has just said 'Oh yeah, I can really see you having a cup of your own first thing in the morning wee!' Please rest assured I will not be partaking in drinking of wee in any way, shape or form - I have googled it purely out of interest to see if John was winding us up. Wee is not a waste product, it is a blood by-product and therefore not quite as bad as munching on another waste product.



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Guest Rickard Family

OMG John all is forgiven:notworthy:....i don't believe it!!!!

May i say felicity nice detective work...lol, i have saved the links and i will show Clint later when he gets home from work, not that it will make the blindest bit of difference, he said he would rather have an injection than drink his own wee and believe me thats saying something:biglaugh:.


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Hi Felicity, thats brill news you could have just saved Clint from a dose of his own medicine:biglaugh:...he just asked me to check to see if anyone had taken essex to aus's advice(drink your own wee!)...wanted to know if it worked:twitcy:.


And kelly when's your hols to OZ? let us know how your hayfever and asthma is Clint got DR's tonight he's going through his pumps like nobodies business!


Anyone know about eczema poor Clint gets that too and if we go abroad all 3 seem to ease...so here's hopeing,thanks





I don't know much about eczema, but I do think the water helps. Water abroad seems to be so much softer and leaves the natural oils in your skin. But again I am sure certain things in Oz will set off the eczema in certain people.


I hope not me!



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Guest Rickard Family

Hi all, just wondered if any one has taken John's advice and drunk their wee!!:wacko:.



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Yes. We sat at the dining room table as a family and my wee accompanied the main course of plop curry. Yummy!


Seriously though, I have weed on a chillblain before. Worked wonders!


I don't think I could drink my wee though. External is OK. Internal not so. Wee is waste.


However.......................................name your price?! I think I would probably do it for £10,000 minimum.



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Guest trixabella

hi all

what months of the year do people get hayfever in australia and is it the same time of the year in singapore.

we are planning to do a 1 week stop over in singapore when we go to brisbane but i dont want to go when its peak hayfever season?

thank you in advance

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hi all

what months of the year do people get hayfever in australia and is it the same time of the year in singapore.

we are planning to do a 1 week stop over in singapore when we go to brisbane but i dont want to go when its peak hayfever season?

thank you in advance



End of March and I sufferd badly in singapore

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March was the month I had my bad days too!



I read that page from the mirror you put on. Thanks

Now I think of it I have not been I'll once since I downed a bit of pee.

I'm off to bed now but not before I wash my face in ??? No can't do it.



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Guest Rickard Family
Yes. We sat at the dining room table as a family and my wee accompanied the main course of plop curry. Yummy!







errrrr kate too much info....lol



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Guest Rickard Family
I don't talk bollocks I told you. My mate has done it for 3 years now.


How often do you have to drink it.......god i feel like i becoming obssessed:wacko: but poor Clint is desperate he is really suffering he takes telfast which he has taken for the past two years but for some reason this year it's setting his asthma off too!


But as i keep telling him obviously not that desperate because he's not drinking......lol


i think he's waiting for more people to come forward



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How often do you have to drink it.......god i feel like i becoming obssessed:wacko: but poor Clint is desperate he is really suffering he takes telfast which he has taken for the past two years but for some reason this year it's setting his asthma off too!


But as i keep telling him obviously not that desperate because he's not drinking......lol


i think he's waiting for more people to come forward





Hello Lou


I have done it twice. But belive once will do in the counrty you are. Same theory as the honey you eat local produce then it comes out in the wee. But to be honest I no nothing but just ytoi drink the wee.

If it don't work so be it. But for 5 secounds of yuk it's got to be woth a try.



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Guest Brickie
Worst cities are Canberra and Melbourne.


Canberra is surrounded by grass so no matter which way the wind blows you cop it, Melbourne gets a lot of Northerly winds which blow the pollen in, its ok in Melbourne if there is a southerly blowing.


I suffer mildly from it, just itchy eyes etc.

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Guest Pete and Lou

Hi there, haven't been on PIO for a couple of weeks so this is a bit of a late reply, but I suffer really badly with hayfever in the UK, but we spent a year there 13 years ago and I did'nt have any symptoms whatsoever. My GP has told me it's the allergy capital of the world, but not for me! This will be my last summer with hayfever, I've suffered since I was 5, can't believe it will soon be a distant memory! :jiggy:

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I read that page from the mirror you put on. Thanks

Now I think of it I have not been I'll once since I downed a bit of pee.

I'm off to bed now but not before I wash my face in ??? No can't do it.




Apparently wee is very good for acne. My mum said my nan used to wipe wet nappies on babies faces when she changed the nappies of her many children and grand children because according to my nan it meant that the child wouldn't get spots.Old wifes tale? Not sure, Mum never got any spots on her face but she drew the line at wiping wet nappies on any of us.


Rolf Harris was reported to have said he drinks a sample of his own every day and it has boosted his immune system and he rarely gets ill! It sounds worth it but I still ain't trying it!



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Guest Jaynie
Apparently wee is very good for acne. My mum said my nan used to wipe wet nappies on babies faces when she changed the nappies of her many children and grand children because according to my nan it meant that the child wouldn't get spots.Old wifes tale? Not sure, Mum never got any spots on her face but she drew the line at wiping wet nappies on any of us.


Rolf Harris was reported to have said he drinks a sample of his own every day and it has boosted his immune system and he rarely gets ill! It sounds worth it but I still ain't trying it!




It's so funny you should say this.....I went back to the UK for a visit the other week and was speaking to Mum, I always remember having my face wiped with someones wet Nappy, I used to moan and say why, she would reply "It's good for you, you won't get spots" we are a family of 6 kids and none of us ever got acne.


Not very nice I admit, but apparently wee is pure so maybe there is something in it. I remember watching a documentary programme about the cane cutter in Australia and they used to wee on their hands to stop the blisters............so who knows?

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Hi, my son is highly atopic. Asthma, allergic rhinitis (hayfever) and ezcema. We spent a month in perth on holiday at what is the worst time of year for hayfever sufferes. We have never seen him look so healthy in his life as he did that month. Here at the moment his skin is rough and scratched to hell despite medication. Over there his skin was like silk. I have never seen his skin that good before or since we were in oz. his skin worsens with the hayfever.


I believe they say perth is the second windiest city in the world. Maybe it blows the pollens away? Sure in the bush he suffered but by the coastal suburbs he was fabulous and I can't wait to get him there and hope that his health stays better there.


I have heard the tale of drinking your own wee before a few years ago but never tried it. I'll have to google it!



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