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Once Visa Has Been Accepted


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Hi Guys,


I was wondering if you could shed some light on what I should do next? I have just found out I have had my 100 visa accepted which is great news, however I have never received any confirmation. I only found out when i emailed my CO about applying for a tourist visa to enter Australia for Christmas.

I called the European centre and they informed me the visa was granted 2 weeks ago and an email sent, however i didn't receive anything (we made sure to check that the address was correct). She gave me a grant number to put into VEVO, however that didn't work as it said it didn't recognise it. When I asked about sending the email again she seemed a bit hesitant, but surely I need this paperwork to show employers/banks etc of my visa conditions.

Is it worth contacting my CO again or try and sort out with the European centre again? My application was made in paper form so I have no immi account.


Thanks in advance for any advice

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I would ask they send the email with the grant letter in again. I've not needed mine other than to register for Medicare but it was important I had it then. In full with the letterhead etc and CO name at the end.


I'd email your CO or the central email and tell them you've not received it and could it please be sent again. This sort of thing should then be passed on to your CO.

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