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489 to a permanent residency 887 visa query


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My fiancee and I recently moved to Australia (Sept 2016) on a skilled regional 489 visa.

I'm thinking ahead to when we can apply for residency once the requirements are met.


We both have full time jobs, both self employed. We moved into rental accommodation at the end of October.

Here is my query. We have no contract with the landlady. She is a family friend. However, we are living in her property and we are paying her rent weekly. This is in cash and includes bills. So we inevitably have no proof of rental. All we have are our letters that are addressed to us from the bank, our private health fund etc.


When the time comes, along with all other documentation to prove our relationship (we will be married by the time we apply for residency) and proof of employment etc, will it be enough to have letters addressed to us from the bank and a letter from the landlady stating we have been living with her for the last X number of months? Or is it best to find a rental property through an agency in our own name? If we can avoid moving that would be even better as we are settled where we are. We just don't want there to be any set backs because we don't have utility bills or rental agreements


Thanks for your help

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