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I am just so excited. 5/05/15 has approval from NSW yesterday and we lodged 6/05/15 at NSW center. I hope they are not gonna disappoint me.


Good luck!! :) Just note that the allocation of processing centres is random. Lodging it from NSW doesn't necessarily mean your application will be processed there. Fingers crossed though!

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Guys... I have been following up this thread since last month and it has been quite informative.

Finally my time has come to share the good news... Got Australian permanent Residency today:smile:


Below are my details:

Nomination Lodged : 10 Apr 2015

Visa Lodged (Decision Ready ): 15 Apr 2015

Nomination and Visa Approved: 11 August 2015 (Today!)


Processing Centre: NSW (Parramatta)

Occupation: IT - Business Analyst


All the very best to you all who are waiting for their PR.

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