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Child maintenance


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I think if the payer parent is working for a UK company in Australia, you can do so through the employer.  Otherwise it can be very difficult.

I assume you have tried Google for answers and have spoken to the Child Support Agency in the UK and Australia.  The CSA in Australia has quite strong powers but I'm not sure if they deal with international claims.

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You need to separate the issues.  One is about what is best for the child in bonding and knowing both parents, the other is a financial issue.

The child should have contact with both parents as often as they can.  In the vast vast majority of cases it is in the child's best interests.  There is some pretty strong research on this.  Contact is an issue for the parent and the child (and the other parent should support it).

This is completely separate to the financial issues of child support.  Contact should NEVER be witheld as a weapon/tool for child support.  Child support is an issue between the parents and the child should be unaware of any dispute or difficulties.

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