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visa problem


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i am a primary school teacher, oh hgv driver just done the points test for the 175 visa only got 115 points due to age and oh job need 120 points any advice please we are gutted we have lost 5 points from me being 1 year older i am 35 :arghh:

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Guest gothicqueen

yes the IELTS test will get you an extra 10 points, but Im sure if you are only 5 points off and both of you have skills on the list then you can take 5 points off your spouses quals...... best thing would be ring a migration agent!

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Guest davyone1

Hi the english test gives you extra points as pointed out by Nikci, I'm also led to beleive if you have a job offer you get extra points on a 175

all the best Dave julie Jake Chloe and tyler

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yes the IELTS test will get you an extra 10 points, but Im sure if you are only 5 points off and both of you have skills on the list then you can take 5 points off your spouses quals...... best thing would be ring a migration agent!

thanks for reply we have included the max 25 points for the IELTS plus 60 for trade 10 for exp and 20 for age =115 oh job not on skills list we did the points test last october before my birthday in dec and we have lost the 5 points we need looks like i need an agent we feel phsically sick :arghh:

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Guest gothicqueen

Do you have any relatives in Australia that might sponsor you? If you do you only need 100 points (thats what we are doing) or can you get sponsorship for a job?


Hope you sort it out, a good agent will go through the best options for you

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we have my mums sister over there who would gladly sponsor us but she has terminal cancer and i feel it would be awkward situation to ask her or her husband (my uncle) to fill all the forms in and i dont think cousins can sponsor us

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Guest Tracey from Braintree

Have you thought about state sponsorship? It restricts your living area choices a bit but only for 2 years I think!? An agent should be able to help you more.


Good luck.

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Guest gothicqueen
we have my mums sister over there who would gladly sponsor us but she has terminal cancer and i feel it would be awkward situation to ask her or her husband (my uncle) to fill all the forms in and i dont think cousins can sponsor us


Yes first cousins can sponsor you, and to be honest I dont think the form fillingon their end is much, think they just have to provide certified copieof their passport and recidency, maybe your Aunt would welcome the distraction...? Give her something poitive to focus on, and if you were to get there sooner rather than later it might give her something to llok forward to as well, there is no financial implications to family sponsoring you either.


There you go you can stop worrying now, you only need 100 points if you get one of your cousins to do it for you! :wubclub:

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Guest gothicqueen

Oh forgot to say, you dont have to live in the same state as the sponsor either when its a family one, so you can live anywhere

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we are looking to go to the gold coast my mate and wife are there who are willing to put us up rent free till we get jobs and settle in which would be a great help,and advise us on settling in, my aunt and uncle and cousins are in perth which i gather is no problem for sponsorship,looked on the DIAC website cant see where cousins can sponsor, which could be a better option to us due to the current circumstancies

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Guest gothicqueen

As far as Im aware there is no probs with a cousin sponsoring you, we went t o a convention and someone asked the question and they said that is was fine.


We have gone with Australian migration assosiates and they willgive you free advice over the phone so maybe worth giving them a ring!

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Guest Gollywobbler
we are looking to go to the gold coast my mate and wife are there who are willing to put us up rent free till we get jobs and settle in which would be a great help,and advise us on settling in, my aunt and uncle and cousins are in perth which i gather is no problem for sponsorship,looked on the DIAC website cant see where cousins can sponsor, which could be a better option to us due to the current circumstancies



Hello janmal


Please see this link:


Skilled – Sponsored (Migrant) visa (subclass 176)


A cousin cannot Sponsor you for a subclass 176 visa. I don't know whether your uncle by marriage could sponsor you instead.


However. now might not be a good time to ask him anyway. You still have the option to do the IELTS, though, and I'd have thought that a teacher would be able to pass it at the required score without difficulty?


A first cousin would be able to sponsor you for the provisional subclass 475 visa, potentially, but that would mean altering all of your plans and it would depend on whether any of your first cousins live in "regional" WA etc etc.


Skilled – Regional Sponsored (Provisional) visa (subclass 475)


I'd say that the IELTS is probably your best bet, chooks, but ring some Migration Agents and ask whether or not yout uncle could sponsor you, maybe?


Best wishes



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