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School registering?


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Can anyone help? In all the to do lists it advises to register the children in schools before you go, just wondering what i should do!!


We are heading to Melbourne in September therefore my girls will not be attending after July, when we arrive my OH has been offered 15 jobs all over Melbourne and until he knows which job he will accept, we won't know where we will be settling, hence which school to register with.


Just wondering how long the process will take and are there any laws as my girls will be out of school for approx 3-4 months and even longer if they have to commence after xmas.


Has anyone else found themselves in this situation and what did you do?


My girl's are twins aged 8 so will be primary education.

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Really, you dont need to worry. Most schools wont enrol you until you have a permanent address anyway because they will want to be sure that you live in their catchment area. The education act says that the age of compulsory education is 6 but you wont need to worry if they arent in school for a few weeks after you arrive just as long as you dont extend the time unduly. Enrolment, once you know where you will be living, is a matter of days - rock up one day with your visa, birth certificate and vaccination certificate and start the next, it really isnt an issue. If you arrive in September the girls could start at the beginning of term 4 which is 6 October - you should be settled at least as to basic area by then.


You can encourage the girls to be reading and maybe writing a journal as they make the move so their education wont suffer in the least. Chances are that they are going to be well ahead of their age peers anyway so I wouldnt worry.

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Guest mandy1


Don't worry about them being out of school for a few weeks. We arrived here on March 1st and my kids didn't start school until end of April as the one thing we didn't want to do was put them in a school and then have to move them when we found more permenent accommodation. As for enrolling you just call the school up and make an appointment to visit.

Mandy x

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