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155/157 Return Residency Visa


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Hi All,

Can you shed shed some lights on the below?

I am the primary applicant of our sub-class 189 visa. My spouse is the secondary applicant. We have 2 kids in our application  which was granted a few years ago.

Now we are all settled in Australia and our sub-class 189 visa has been expired in April 2018. Now we are trying to apply a 155/157 return residence visa which allows us to re-enter Australia in case we need to leave for a few days for some urgent family matters.

My questions are around:

1) Can my spouse be the applicant for the 155/157 RRV? The reason for this question is because I am still hunting for a job at the moment while my spouse has settled and had got a job.

2) If ar the end, wither myself or my spouse apply for the RRV, can myself/ my spouse apply for the whole family (I.e. lodging 1 RRV application for the whole family of 4 person)? Or, each person should lodge one application for our RRV on an individual basis?  I tried to search in the immigration web site but have no clue on this question.

3) when we lodge the online application, is that we should click the ‘submit’ button and then I will receive an email from the immigration and ask me to attach the supporting document for the application.  I tried to start up the process without clicking ‘submit’ right now however I do not see anywhere to attach any supporting document to show our family and personal ties etc, hence I would like to clarify before clicking the button to avoid possible confusion to the immigration in the near future.

Seems I have a lot of questions but I do hope you guys can share some insights and your experiences to me as I am being ‘stuck’ in the middle of the process and can not find out the relevant resources to clear my mind. Many thanks! 


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There is no primary applicant.  Everyone has to have their own RRV so you need to apply for 4!

Thanks for your reply. If my spouse (who has a job right now) apply first, would that be an evidence of ‘personal tie’ such that the RRV granted will be longer? Say one year (instead of 3 months?)

With this logic in mind, then I hope the chances of the rest of the family members getting a one-year 155/157 visa will be higher. Would this approach make sense? The reason for asking is that - as each RRV costs over AUD300, applying 4 and each only for 3 months will be too costly for me :(

Sorry to bugging you an additional question but just to see if you have any idea on this, thanks.
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Unless you are planning to leave Australia in the coming few months for a vacation, you don't need an RRV. If you apply now, the maximum you would get is 1 year RRV. Only after living in Australia for 2 years, you would get a 5 year RRV

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Yes but sometimes you can’t plan.  I think it is wise to ensure you can travel just in case.  I made my son get his Aussie passport after he got his citizenship, he said I’m not going anywhere so why bother.  I said there are reasons you might need to travel at short notice so suck it up boy.

My eldest will not be able to apply for citizenship as he moved over more recently and will only get a one year RRV when his travel portion expires in Jan, by waiting two months he can apply and get an automatic 5 year one which will see him through til citizenship. He is taking a risk by grounding himself for two months but ...............his choice.  He has an elderly frail grandad he is very fond of in the UK and attends overseas conferences a few times a year so two good reasons to be able to travel at short notice.

To the OP I would get your wife to apply first as she has the strongest ties, you will need to upload evidence.  If she is approved the rest of you should get RRVs too with her as additional evidence of ties.  Be aware that applications where additional evidence is required are currently taking around 12 weeks, only those with two years out of last five in Australia are being processed within 4 weeks.

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I applied for all 4 of ours individually (mine, my husband plus 2 kids). I just attached the same documents to all 4 applications - ie husband's job contract, receipts for school fees, school reports plus a statement of ties to Australia for each of us. It doesn't matter which one of you has the job, (I don't work at the moment),  you are here as a family and you all need your own RRV

I think you need to click through in order to get to the page where you can attach documents. If immigration feel that something is missing, they will email you or put a message on your immi page

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  • 2 months later...

Hi All,

I want to apply for RRV. My PR is valid till mid Sep'18. I have stayed for around 30 days during these 5 years of PR. Recently visited Australia last month. Presently I am in India. My wife is employed in Australia since Aug'18 and my daughter is along with her.  I have commitments here in India and would be able to move latest by 1st Week of Oct'18. Would like to know the processing time for RRV and also will there be any risk of rejection as I have stayed for only few days of these 5 years. 

And also some guidance for application from members would be appreciated.


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1 hour ago, BHARAT M S said:

Hi All,

I want to apply for RRV. My PR is valid till mid Sep'18. I have stayed for around 30 days during these 5 years of PR. Recently visited Australia last month. Presently I am in India. My wife is employed in Australia since Aug'18 and my daughter is along with her.  I have commitments here in India and would be able to move latest by 1st Week of Oct'18. Would like to know the processing time for RRV and also will there be any risk of rejection as I have stayed for only few days of these 5 years. 

And also some guidance for application from members would be appreciated.


Processing times can be in excess of 3-4 months at the moment if you do not meet the 2 years in previous 5 residency requirement. To be granted an RRV you need to demonstrate that you have significant personal, business, employment or cultural ties to Australia, which are of benefit to Australia. If you cannot do this, yes you do risk having your application refused.  

Based on what you have written, you are taking a big risk allowing your visa to expire whilst you are offshore, particularly for the sake of a couple of weeks commitment elsewhere. I would recommend that you get to Australia before your current visa expires and address the RRV from there.


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