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advice needed for aged parent visa


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hi everyone
I am new on here so bear with me if i make any mistakes but my only living family are moving to australia and want me to join them as soon as i can. I am just 70 and fit and healthy with funds to buy house (eventually) and medical ins etc so not looking for any handouts. I am getting conflicting advice about how long these visas are taking and what the chances are of being accepted and obviously the thought of being left on my own over here is upsetting but if I can't get a visa then i have no choice but to come to terms with itl.
Does anyone know what the situation is for aged contributory visa timeline once I have applied?
Thank you for your patience

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thank you Tulip 1,

yes I am aware they will need to be settled australian residents before they can sponsor me which takes 2 years for them but i am wondering  if anyone knows how long my application is likely to take and what the chances are of it being accepted as I would love to get there before I become to decrepit to enjoy it.

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3 hours ago, Daisy347 said:

hi everyone
I am new on here so bear with me if i make any mistakes but my only living family are moving to australia and want me to join them as soon as i can. I am just 70 and fit and healthy with funds to buy house (eventually) and medical ins etc so not looking for any handouts. I am getting conflicting advice about how long these visas are taking and what the chances are of being accepted and obviously the thought of being left on my own over here is upsetting but if I can't get a visa then i have no choice but to come to terms with itl.
Does anyone know what the situation is for aged contributory visa timeline once I have applied?
Thank you for your patience

You do need to wait until your family is ‘settled’ before applying, but the aged contributory visa is an on-shore visa. Meaning you have to be in Australia to apply (so while visiting on a holiday visa) and you then have the right to a bridging visa so you can live in Australia while the visa is being processed.

The visa may take six or seven years to process (and possibly even longer) but you do get to stay in Australia all this time.

However there is always the medical exam to consider and you must be realistic about the potential need to return to the UK if your health declines in this time.

Good luck and I hope it all works out for you.

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On 28/06/2018 at 20:58, VERYSTORMY said:

At the moment, processing times, from date of application are about 6 years. However, this may increase. You should also be aware of costs. Currently about $64,000 and I would budget for this to increase significantly 

When did it increase from the $43k ish cost for the 2nd vac?

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thank you both.

It's not looking good but I live in hope. Not worried about the medical exam but do understand that ill health can strike at any time but the older one is the greater the risk so do understand your point.

I have contacted the agent and will wait to see what they advise.
The agent has advised to go for a holiday visa to get me onshore once y son & family have their settled resident status ad then they can sponsor me while i apply onshore for the aged contributory which will come with a bridging visa which is what SusieRoo posted in her reply.
Fingers crossed this all works out and I stay healthy


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2 hours ago, Daisy347 said:

The agent has advised to go for a holiday visa to get me onshore once y son & family have their settled resident status ad then they can sponsor me while i apply onshore for the aged contributory which will come with a bridging visa which is what SusieRoo posted in her reply.
Fingers crossed this all works out and I stay healthy


Is the agent a MARA registered agent?  

I suggest asking them for a full explanation of the medical implications before you decide.   As a UK  resident, you will be covered by Medicare for essential care, but not for any pre-existing illnesses or existing medication - so if you are on, say, blood pressure pills, you should check out how much that would cost you.  Your British pension will be frozen. You'll lose any other benefits you get, and you won't be entitled to anything in Australia (no free bus passes etc) while you're on your bridging visa. 

Also consider that about half of all migrants don't settle in Australia and end up coming home.  It's not the land of milk and honey it used to be, and lots of migrants find they can't afford it, or can't get work, or simply don't like the heat or the lifestyle.  How will you feel if your family are one of those, and you all end up coming home in a few years?  You'll have given up your home, your friends and your established neighbourhood and you'll have to start all over again.  So I'd urge you to hang on to your home if you do go, and assess the costs very carefully.

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2 hours ago, Marisawright said:

Is the agent a MARA registered agent?  

I suggest asking them for a full explanation of the medical implications before you decide.   As a UK  resident, you will be covered by Medicare for essential care, but not for any pre-existing illnesses or existing medication - so if you are on, say, blood pressure pills, you should check out how much that would cost you.  Your British pension will be frozen. You'll lose any other benefits you get, and you won't be entitled to anything in Australia (no free bus passes etc) while you're on your bridging visa. 

Also consider that about half of all migrants don't settle in Australia and end up coming home.  It's not the land of milk and honey it used to be, and lots of migrants find they can't afford it, or can't get work, or simply don't like the heat or the lifestyle.  How will you feel if your family are one of those, and you all end up coming home in a few years?  You'll have given up your home, your friends and your established neighbourhood and you'll have to start all over again.  So I'd urge you to hang on to your home if you do go, and assess the costs very carefully.

Thank you MarisaWright. I fully appreciate what you are saying and know that things can change rapidly with health, especially at my age.
The agent is most definitely MARA registered and is working on my son & family's visa application and is very thorough. I do know my UK pension will be frozen and I am not in receipt of any other benefits. I do take blood pressure tablets but that is all, no other medication or illnesses (to date). 
I moved from one end of UK to another 5 years ago as we wanted to be closer to our only son, sadly the following year my husband was taken ill so I spent the next few years looking after him until he died so friends are very few and far between. I have no family whatsoever apart from my son which is why it is important I go with them.
I would be amazed if they returned at any point, my daughter in law's family are already there and citizens, she has a job promised as she is a nurse  and they have been across yearly since her parents moved out so they are well aware of prices, heat, lifestyle etc. Having said all that, I understand there is always the fear of having to return so I shall make provision should that occur but I sincerely hope it won't. My biggest worry is staying healthy so I don't get refused entry.

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