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Family of 5 beginning the journey


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firstly thanks for a great forum and soooo much information

i thought i would say hello and introduce myself, and no it's not blind date with Cilla Black from the 80's.

Im sure you have all read these before but here goes,

Currently being approached by an old director of mine for an engineers role in Brisbane.Initial thoughts and call, HR has made contact and said they will be in touch.

The thing is i am 45 the good lady is 43, kids 15,13,9.

Eldest daughter is about to start her final GCSE year this September so this adds a new dimension to it.

To move her or leave her with Grandparents to finish final year ?

How id you all make these choices or did you have younger kids when you went to the sunshine ?

Initial things mentioned was 



6 weeks or so paid accommodation till we sort out a place

starting figures mentioned 120K+

The fact he called me after his first day in his new office shows he is keen to get me in his new team.

With 3 kids in tow would this afford the schools, clubs and activities whilst being able to live?

thanks again and off to read MORE stuff


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firstly thanks for a great forum and soooo much information
i thought i would say hello and introduce myself, and no it's not blind date with Cilla Black from the 80's.
Im sure you have all read these before but here goes,
Currently being approached by an old director of mine for an engineers role in Brisbane.Initial thoughts and call, HR has made contact and said they will be in touch.
The thing is i am 45 the good lady is 43, kids 15,13,9.
Eldest daughter is about to start her final GCSE year this September so this adds a new dimension to it.
To move her or leave her with Grandparents to finish final year ?
How id you all make these choices or did you have younger kids when you went to the sunshine ?
Initial things mentioned was 
6 weeks or so paid accommodation till we sort out a place
starting figures mentioned 120K+
The fact he called me after his first day in his new office shows he is keen to get me in his new team.
With 3 kids in tow would this afford the schools, clubs and activities whilst being able to live?
thanks again and off to read MORE stuff

What visa will you be going on? If it’s a temporary visa then assume your stay will only ever be temporary (your age is against you) and you’ll be home in a couple of years and keep the kids in UK education if you can because getting back on the GCSE/A level roundabout can be tricky and international student fees for Uni.

If you’re citizens or have permanent residency and don’t intend to live in UK again, don’t bother with GCSE they mean diddly squat in Australia but she would need to start year 11 if she’s just 16 and that starts end Feb and she would need to do the full 2 year course.

$120k - include or exclude super? That makes a difference. If you’re planning to be the only wage earner with 3 kids and lots of activities that’s going to be a bit tight but if your wife can get close to an average salary you should be comfortable enough. If your visa is temporary then your wife may struggle to find meaningful work as a temp dependent as they’re not very attractive to employers.
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the director i spoke to said 457 > 4yr visa i think he is on with a view to changing this as soon as he can.

not sure on the finer details yet its all very initial.

she turns 16 in January so her final year starts in September here in the UK. The wife is looking or trying to look into schools etc.

The wife has been a stay at home mum for the last god knows how many years as i have been freelance for the last 6 earning a reasonable fee.

But by training and trade she is a chef and bar manager.

you mention an average salary ? what number should she be trying for or do i just need to negotiate upwards ?


BTW thanks for the reply

i was still reading the update threads

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I wouldn’t take the kids on a temporary visa, not towards end of school age anyway and your age might well prevent you from becoming permanent. If you were to bring your daughter she would need to start year 11 in January and that’s a 2 year course, you can’t dip in and out and expect to do well. The end result doesn’t travel that well back to UK if she wants to go to Uni and because she won’t meet the residence requirements she would be up for international fees in UK. If she wanted to do Uni in Australia she probably wouldn’t be able to complete her course before you leave and will have to pay International fees there too.

Average wage is around $80k but bar and hospitality don’t usually score so well. $120k isn’t a bad salary as long as that excludes superannuation especially if there are going to be 5 of you.

The other thing to bear in mind is that if it all goes pear shaped you have 60 days to leave the country.


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At 45 you are now too old to gain PR, so will only be entitled to a temp visa, which will mean returning to the UK sooner or later. You should be aware what a temp visa means. A number of states will charge you for education of children. Any children going to university will be regarded as international students, so no government help and big fees. At the same time, they couldn't return to the uk to go to university as they would also be regarded as international students - they need to be resident in the uk for 3 years prior to applying to be a domestic student. 

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On 18/07/2018 at 23:20, gmelhuishjones said:

Currently being approached by an old director of mine for an engineers role in Brisbane.Initial thoughts and call, HR has made contact and said they will be in touch.

The thing is i am 45 the good lady is 43, kids 15,13,9.

Eldest daughter is about to start her final GCSE year this September so this adds a new dimension to it.

To move her or leave her with Grandparents to finish final year ?


I'm pretty sure the TSS is only a 2 year visa then he can apply to keep you for another 2 years - which adds another layer of uncertainty. He might be keen to keep you for the full 4 years but if the rules change by the time he applies to extend, you might not get it. 

As others have said, it's a temporary visa.  The employer is under no obligation to offer the job for the whole 4 years or even the whole 2 years - if he goes broke or has a downturn, you can be retrenched and in that case, you have to go home.   Immigration wouldn't care if the child is in the middle of exams, you'd all have to leave the country. 

If the kids were younger, it would be a great opportunity for a few years' adventure, but the kids' ages may be against you - unless you have very deep pockets. To get a local place at British universities, the rule is that you must have been living in the UK for three years at the time you apply.  If you've been living overseas, you get charged full international fees.  And as a temp visa holder, your children would get slugged international fees at Australian universities too, so that's no solution.

It sounds like your 15-year-old would definitely have to stay with the grandparents for the whole four years, if she wants to go to university.  If the 13-year-old moves with you, he/she would be 17 by the time you get back, so would  miss out unless willing to start uni a few years late.

Edited by Marisawright
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