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Applying for 417 2nd year visa with outstanding fines from a few years ago.


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Hi All.

Here is a post I made in this forum from over 5 years ago:


Hi i need some advice I have some outstanding fines.... approx $5331 and a conviction for drink driving in Australia on my 1st WHV and I am heading home in a few days and I am just wondering if anybody has any experience in applying for a 2nd year visa with this sort of conviction and will the outstanding fines affect me getting the 2nd year visa and coming back into the country?, I will be setting up a payment plan to pay off the fines but its hard as i am a backpacker would they refuse me a 2nd year because of the conviction even if i start to pay the fines off?.... only helpful info please i know what i done was wrong and dont need to be reminded of it thanks very much :)

Basically what happened was when I was 21 I was caught drink driving in Australia, so about 5 and a half years ago. I was also speeding at the time which was why my fines were so high. A few months after this I had agreed to do volunteer work up in Bundaberg in order to complete my regional work for the 2nd year visa, upon arriving at the house I had found the place to not be liveable as it was infested with insects etc. I took the owners car into town as there was no internet or phone reception in order to try find somewhere else to live/work, on my trip into town I got pulled over and got caught driving whilst disqualified which incurred more fines and a 2 year ban of my driving licence, the judge was very accepting of my reasons here. I left Australia about a week after my court appearance for driving whilst disqualified.

I have never been in trouble before or since these events took place and have since went on to Uni and got a double Bachelors degree and Masters degree and working as a software engineer. I kind of just put the issue of the fines to the back of my mind for a long time as I wanted to just forget the whole experience. Now my girlfriend is wanting to go over to Australia on her first WHV and hoping I will go with her.

Does anyone have any ideas on whether I will be granted my second year visa with the DUI and driving whilst disqualified from 5 and a half years ago? I have applied for an Australian Police Certificate and I'm waiting to hear back to see exactly what I'm dealing with. I have also made contact with the relevant two court houses and state debt recovery agency in order to repay my outstanding fines if possible.

Does anyone know if I will still be able to pay these fines and if I do will the DUI and DWDQ will affect my visa application?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

I hope this episode from my youth doesn't come back to haunt me!



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I would say the chances are close to nil. That would be if you completed the regional work, which from your post doesn't sound like you did. 

In fact, if you were to somehow land in Australia, there is a good chance of arrest. A large fine doesn't just go to debt collectors, it means a warrant will be issued for arrest. 

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I've seen numerous postings here where people have been approved for visas with extensive criminal records or at least with records a lot more substantial than mine, many of which include drink driving (multiple convictions) or drug or violent related incidents.

The fine I have listed above is broken down between two different court houses (one in QLD ($600 dollars) and one in NSW($1080)) and the SDRO with the balance, as far as I'm aware from what I've been reading online on the fine from QLD court would have been referred to SPER and the NSW court fine would have been referred to Revenue NSW formerly State Debt Recovery Office. I have applied for the Australian Police Certificate and surely any warrants out for my arrest will be visible on this if this is the case.

Are you aware of any cases personally in which what you have said is the case? I was aware that warrants may have been issued which is why I applied for the APC but if this is not the case I imagine I should be able to pay the fines off or do you disagree?

Also I have completed my regional work and have substantial evidence to back this up which I have held on to.

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I'd be very surprised if you'd get a visa. You say you hope an episode from your youth doesn't come back to haunt you yet you have chosen over the years since not to pay the fine.  You are only open to paying it now you want to return.  You have stated you have a good job yet have had no intention of paying back your fine.  You say you just put the fines to the back of your mind,  suddenly they've come to the front of your mind now you want something!!!!  In terms of good character your actions at the time and since couldn't give anyone the impression you are of good character. 

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19 minutes ago, Tulip1 said:

I'd be very surprised if you'd get a visa. You say you hope an episode from your youth doesn't come back to haunt you yet you have chosen over the years since not to pay the fine.  You are only open to paying it now you want to return.  You have stated you have a good job yet have had no intention of paying back your fine.  You say you just put the fines to the back of your mind,  suddenly they've come to the front of your mind now you want something!!!!  In terms of good character your actions at the time and since couldn't give anyone the impression you are of good character. 

I understand what you are saying and appreciate the comment but Uni is not cheap so I've not really had the opportunity since I came home to be in a financial position to pay the fines off until recently. Surely the fact that I am trying to resolve the past issues counts for something and going by the good character requirements on https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/trav/visa/char it doesn't look like I come anywhere near failing the assessment.

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3 hours ago, chrispym said:

I understand what you are saying and appreciate the comment but Uni is not cheap so I've not really had the opportunity since I came home to be in a financial position to pay the fines off until recently. Surely the fact that I am trying to resolve the past issues counts for something and going by the good character requirements on https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/trav/visa/char it doesn't look like I come anywhere near failing the assessment.

The only way to find out is to apply and see - you may be of good character now, but you left Australia after being convicted of offences without paying the fines which is the part that immigration may question.  Leaving so soon after may suggest that you had no intentions of paying.   I think it's a good idea to get the police check, if there's no bench warrant, at least you know you won't be held at the airport when you arrive.

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37 minutes ago, ali said:

The only way to find out is to apply and see - you may be of good character now, but you left Australia after being convicted of offences without paying the fines which is the part that immigration may question.  Leaving so soon after may suggest that you had no intentions of paying.   I think it's a good idea to get the police check, if there's no bench warrant, at least you know you won't be held at the airport when you arrive.

Yeah I know it wasn't the right thing to do at the time but I did leave on the last day of my 1st WH visa and had no way of paying the fines. All I can do really is try and right the wrongs now and hope for the best. 

I was hoping maybe to get some advice on if there was a warrant out is there a way to resolve it from abroad maybe by paying the fines off as I've seen some info online saying the warrant can be dropped if the matter is resolved. Thanks for the comment.

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3 hours ago, chrispym said:

Yeah I know it wasn't the right thing to do at the time but I did leave on the last day of my 1st WH visa and had no way of paying the fines. All I can do really is try and right the wrongs now and hope for the best. 

I was hoping maybe to get some advice on if there was a warrant out is there a way to resolve it from abroad maybe by paying the fines off as I've seen some info online saying the warrant can be dropped if the matter is resolved. Thanks for the comment.

I have a mate who recently had to get an ozzie police check in order to get a WHV for Canada. He'd spent a year on a WHV in oz and got done for speeding. Skipped the country and didn't pay the fine. When he contacted the police in oz about getting a police check he asked about the fine and was told it would continue to accrue interest until it was paid. In addition, if he went back to oz then he would be held at immigration until the debt was cleared - that's if he was granted a visa in the first place. 

Get in touch with the police and pay it off. 

Edited by Nemesis
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12 hours ago, chrispym said:

Yeah I know it wasn't the right thing to do at the time but I did leave on the last day of my 1st WH visa and had no way of paying the fines. All I can do really is try and right the wrongs now and hope for the best. 

I was hoping maybe to get some advice on if there was a warrant out is there a way to resolve it from abroad maybe by paying the fines off as I've seen some info online saying the warrant can be dropped if the matter is resolved. Thanks for the comment.

How can you pay the fines off.  You posted earlier that uni wasn't cheap and you weren't in a position to pay them. You suddenly have thousands to pay them off now???   Best to the honest if you want honest help.  Better to say you didn't intend paying them but if it helps your case you will. 

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11 minutes ago, Tulip1 said:

How can you pay the fines off.  You posted earlier that uni wasn't cheap and you weren't in a position to pay them. You suddenly have thousands to pay them off now???   Best to the honest if you want honest help.  Better to say you didn't intend paying them but if it helps your case you will. 

Hi Tulip,

I don't have thousands to pay off the fines I would be looking at paying the two court fines first and then paying off the SDRO fines in installments in order to fully clear everything over the next year. Any constructive advice or are you just going to keep telling me how much of a bold boy I was when I was 21?

Look I realise that it was a stupid thing to do firstly and I am genuinely looking for advice on how i can move forward.



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8 hours ago, chrispym said:

Hi Tulip,

I don't have thousands to pay off the fines I would be looking at paying the two court fines first and then paying off the SDRO fines in installments in order to fully clear everything over the next year. Any constructive advice or are you just going to keep telling me how much of a bold boy I was when I was 21?

Look I realise that it was a stupid thing to do firstly and I am genuinely looking for advice on how i can move forward.



The best thing you can do by far is contact a migrant agent. They will know far more than anyone else on this forum. They will give you an honest opinion on whether you stand a chance and they can help you present your application in the best way.  Yes it will cost you for their advice but if I was you I'd pay the price and give yourself the best chance. There are many agents on this forum, all have excellent feedback and recommendation.  

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  • 3 months later...

Just an update for anybody who may be in a similar situation, I was able to pay off all of my fines and received a police certificate report which had details of the drink driving conviction.

I have just applied today for my 2nd year visa and disclosed all information to them, I was wondering if anybody on here could advise me if I should add any supporting documentation such as an explanation that all of this happened on one day and it is one of the biggest regrets of my life and the fact I've never been in trouble before or since and have went on to complete my degree and masters in UNI and now work for a large multinational company? Any advice would  be much appreciated????


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7 hours ago, chrispym said:

Just an update for anybody who may be in a similar situation, I was able to pay off all of my fines and received a police certificate report which had details of the drink driving conviction.

I have just applied today for my 2nd year visa and disclosed all information to them, I was wondering if anybody on here could advise me if I should add any supporting documentation such as an explanation that all of this happened on one day and it is one of the biggest regrets of my life and the fact I've never been in trouble before or since and have went on to complete my degree and masters in UNI and now work for a large multinational company? Any advice would  be much appreciated????


One of the criteria for this visa is that you do not have outstanding dept to the Commonwealth. So paying your fines is a step in the right direction. The fact that you left it so long to pay may be an issue.

The other issue will be whether the case officer believes that you pass the character test. Although you don't have a substantial criminal history, they may decide that if you were allowed to enter Australia you would pose an unreasonable threat of re offending or represent a danger to the community.

They are cracking down on character issues and it could go either way. Best to provide information as to your remorse and clean history since the offences.


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37 minutes ago, Raul Senise said:

One of the criteria for this visa is that you do not have outstanding dept to the Commonwealth. So paying your fines is a step in the right direction. The fact that you left it so long to pay may be an issue.

The other issue will be whether the case officer believes that you pass the character test. Although you don't have a substantial criminal history, they may decide that if you were allowed to enter Australia you would pose an unreasonable threat of re offending or represent a danger to the community.

They are cracking down on character issues and it could go either way. Best to provide information as to your remorse and clean history since the offences.


Thank you for the response Raul.

I was thinking I could attach my police clearance cert from my country and also a record of my driving history here. I have seen a lot of comments online where a person has accumulated a lot more of a criminal history (drugs, dui, assault) and still has received a WHV. I am just looking for any info people may have on what I should be attaching.

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Just now, chrispym said:

Thank you for the response Raul.

I was thinking I could attach my police clearance cert from my country and also a record of my driving history here. I have seen a lot of comments online where a person has accumulated a lot more of a criminal history (drugs, dui, assault) and still has received a WHV. I am just looking for any info people may have on what I should be attaching.

Don't rely too much on what people have done in the past, as recently the Government has been taking are much more hard line approach and interpretation on Character issues. 

The number of refusals and cancellations on character grounds has gone through the roof.

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