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Temporary living and bringing family

Michelle Tasker

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Hi everyone I’m new to this and have a few questions, I am a barber by trade and have always wanted the Australian dream, we have a house here but I am looking into if it’s possible to come over and work as a barber for a couple of years, my husband is a carpenter and we have 3 children.

is this possible to come out for a couple of years and work? And obviously children come to. If so what visa or would it be sponsored? 

Thanks guys 

michelle ?

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When I looked before I couldn’t see that I could take family for more than 6 months 

Were you looking at the WHV perchance? You can’t take your kids at all on that one - no dependents for the duration of your stay.

Otherwise if you want something short term and temporary it would require sponsorship which would require the employer to demonstrate that there wasn’t an Aussie to do the job.

Some states charge you to educate your kids if you’re looking at one of the temporary visas and that can be a financial deal breaker for some.
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Yes that was the one!

Oh really I’m guessing it’s expensive? We would potentially be looking at making a permanent move but my husband has never been so I suggested a trial couple of years, I traveled the east coast about 10 years ago and fell in love,  is it hard to get barber sponsorship do you know? 

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If you can get an employer to sponsor you for a TSS visa, then it would be normal for the employer to pay for your air fares and shipping your belongings to Australia and back again at the end of the contract.  If they're not willing to pay that, it wouldn't be economical for a family - you'd use too much of your savings.  

Edited by Marisawright
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You should be aware of the pitfalls with this. First, you qualify for PR now, but no certainty you would in the future. So, you could go on a TSS sponsored visa, decide you like it and then find you are no longer eligible. 

Second, a number of states charge significant fees for education of temporary residents.

third, how long you stay may not be in your hands. These visas are linked to the job. If you were to lose your job for any reason, you would have to leave.

Fourth, the partners of temp visa holders can find it harder to get employment 

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