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Advice Needed


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Hi pomsinoz, needing some visa advice. I'm in Australia on my second year working visa and have found out my work can't sponsor me for permanent residency. Wondering what options I have as working visa expires in June 2019. I have a partner who is willing to sponsor me but we can't do the defacto visa as we are not able to prove 12 months defacto relationship in time. I've been trying to find out about a student visa but not sure if there are any affordable courses I can do (under 10k) we are also trying for a baby but would not be due before June so wondering what would happen if my partner was pregnant when my visa expires. Any advice welcomed 



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Yes, speak to an agent. The only difference a pregnancy would make is you are quite likely to live the other side of the world from your child. It would make no difference regarding getting a visa so I'd suggest you hold back on that. Never have a baby until you know you can be with it, not fair on you or the child 

Edited by Tulip1
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As Tulip1 says, I would suggest holding off on your baby plans for the moment.  The baby will have Australian citizenship and presumably, so does the mother - so they will be allowed to stay in Australia. The fact that you're the father will get you no sympathy at all from Immigration.  Being the father of an Australian child is no grounds for a visa. 

It would be awful if your partner does get pregnant, then you have to leave and she's stuck going through her pregnancy alone, with you on the other side of the world. 

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Expect to leave when your WHV expires and if you and your partner can't evidence the length of your relationship by the time you leave maybe she should return to UK with you until you can get your time up but for heavens sake don't bring a child into the mix until you've got your visa sorted. An absent parent isn't a great idea for a child.

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