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Returning to UK

Andy Miller

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My wife and I are wanting to spend our twilight years back in England after our parents emigrated to Australia years ago. Me in 1957 my wife in 1971. I am 64, wife is 62.

Has anyone else had any experience in such a move snd if so, any help hints would be greatly appreciated.



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The most important thing to look at is pensions.  

You have spent your whole working life in Australia, which means you will not be eligible for the British govt. pension.  If you leave Australia before you are eligible for the Australian pension, you won't get that either.

It's a weird situation, because if you moved to almost any other European country, you would be able to claim your Australian pension while living there.  But if you live in the UK, you can't. 

As you know, the Australian pension is means-tested - so if you've got lots of superannuation and think you may never qualify for the Australian aged pension, then it won't worry you. However if you're worried about your super not lasting as long as you do, then consider - if your super runs out, you'll have no other income. If that happens, you will be able to come back to Australia and then you can get the pension, but would you want that upheaval in your eighties?

If you need the Australian pension, then you'll have to stay in Australia until you are able to claim the Australian pension.  Once you've done that, you can leave Australia and it will continue to be paid. 

Note that you can't move to the UK, pop back to claim the pension, then leave again.  There's a two-year residency requirement.

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