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Arranging Evidence for Future Partner Visa

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Looking for a quick bit of advice, I'm sure its been asked before but couldn't find it - 


Currently on a 2nd year WHV expiring in 10 months and am dating a Brit who is on a PR here for the past 6 months.

I've heard lots of rumours about what requirements are needed in case I got down the defacto route -  which seems most likely.

  • Such as evidence of a relationship? Whats good to have?
  • Living together for a year? is this a requirement? To Be named on the Lease?
  • Bill Together? Joint Bank Account?
  • Pictures Together?
  • Tagged in Facebook Events Together?
  • Personal Messages to Each other?
  • Minimum length of relationship?
  • Registering a relationship? how is this done? She was mentioned when I applied for my 2nd year visa as my partner - does that mean its registered in NSW?


Appreciate your help in advanced.

I will be using an agent If i end up going down this route.

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The biggest requirement is not to be 'dating' but living as an all but married couple.

Mentioning her on your WHV application doesn't register your relationship - you have to do this officially.  If you google registering a relationship in NSW it will give you the web page and all the info you need.

Statements from family/friends about your relationship are also helpful

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It will certainly help to be living together with mutual financial commitments:

Lease in both names

Joint bank account payment going in and joint commitments being paid out of it

Bills in both names + other individual correspondence to the same address

Both names on car insurance

Evidence of travel together - joint names on booking documentation

As Ali mentioned, Dating is not a defacto relationship, but you can overcome the 1 year requirement by registering, so I would focus on moving quickly into that status now.

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