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Dean Stephens


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Hi please can someone tell me the best way I can move back to Australia with my Fiancé and her 2 children aged 4 and 6.

We have been together since December 2016, then in April 2017 I went back to OZ for 6 month as I had been out the country for almost 5 years 

I have Permanent Resident VISA and my parents and sister and her children all live In Adelaide.

I first went to OZ in 2009 and travelled and worked around the country until 2016. Im currently on  5 YEAR P.R return VISA so I must return by march 2022 although I am hoping to leave the UK as soon as possible. 

My VISA is a skilled migrant VISA which I qualified for as my parents made there application when I was a minor.(15 years old)

I think my main questions are 

Should we get married here in the UK rather than in oz?  

Where do I start ???????? 

What VISA does my fiancé and her children need to apply for ?

Is this even possible with me being a Permanent Resident or do I need to first become a Australian citizen?

Im prepared to do whatever it takes to get my partner out of this broken Tory mess here in the UK!!!!!!!

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Doesn't matter where you get married. Timbuctu if you like although your fiance's family might have some thing to say in the matter.

First thing is will the children's father let them leave the Country? If he won't, then you could be on a hiding to nothing.

Options - either a partner visa if you've been together over a year, can show your commitment through shared accounts, rental agreement in joint names, statements from friends etc etc. Apply in London now and you could get lucky with the timings.

Or you could apply for a prospective marriage visa which will give you 9 months before you need to get married, again, apply in London.

No, you don't need to be a citizen.

And don't go to Australia because you think the politicians /politics are going to be any better.

Edited by Quoll
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THANK YOU, yeah I probably shouldn't of ranted about politics, not really relevant. I just want to be with my family  politicians are the same all over, yes the childrens  father Is aware, ….. ok thanks for replying


48 minutes ago, Quoll said:

Doesn't matter where you get married. Timbuctu if you like although your fiance's family might have some thing to say in the matter.

First thing is will the children's father let them leave the Country? If he won't, then you could be on a hiding to nothing.

Options - either a partner visa if you've been together over a year, can show your commitment through shared accounts, rental agreement in joint names, statements from friends etc etc. Apply in London now and you could get lucky with the timings.

Or you could apply for a prospective marriage visa which will give you 9 months before you need to get married, again, apply in London.

No, you don't need to be a citizen.

And don't go to Australia because you think the politicians /politics are going to be any better. 


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