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My daughter is Australian citizen living in the uk currently. She will be 9 on 11th August. In the UK she is due to start year 5 in September 2019.  Would she be ok to start year 5 in Australia in January 2020? Or would they put her into year 4? 

She would be in year 3 this year, year 4 2020
Keep her with her age peers and forget the year level names. None of the states take kindly to year jumping and she won't be "kept back" "repeating" or any of those other negative terms, she will be moving to a foreign country with its own education systems and moving through with her age peers she hasn't done it before, nothing to get hung up about just go with the flow.
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Being with her age peers is very important. Maybe not at age 5 or 6 but when everyone in her year group is 16 and 17 and she is 15.........

The general consensus is that being older is better than being younger in year group both developmentally and academically as well.

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18 hours ago, Devonuk said:

Thank you for your reply. They have uk version of prep called foundation, but they start when they are 4 years old. Don’t really want her to have to go back a year. May need to contact the schools direct and see what they recommend. Thanks 

As Sammy had said, she won't be going back a year. She will be moving into a new system in a new country and will have lots of catching up to do anyway with different approaches to teaching and learning, new social experiences and cultural differences. She's over the cut off point in all states (the latest state is NSW where cut off is 31 July but kids with birthdays from March/April onwards are encouraged to delay entry until the following year). Schools can see the problems that kids who are younger than their cohort have when going through school. Maybe not so obvious at 7 but definitely the maturity helps in the senior years.

Don't push it, just go with the flow and don't tell her she is going back a year just tell hey its a foreign country with a completely different system.


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