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Train driving in Oz


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Hello everyone,

My wife Louise, sons Rocky and River and myself are desperately trying to emigrate to Australia but due to my career (train driver) I think it might be a pipe dream. 

Has anyone on here made the move as a train driver? 

Or can anyone help us with regards to moving over without being on the skills list?

any help would be amazing!


the Hortons!

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The occupation has to be on a list.

To be honest, I can't see it ever coming on either. Passenger trains are fairly limited as there are only two that run across the country which are a bit like the orient express (look up The Gahn). Or short sort of overland tube services within cities, which unlike the UK are very low paying jobs. The one exception are things like iron ore mines in WA, which are very highly paid, but there is a que of people waiting for drivers to retire. 

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