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187 Direct Entry Refusal - Accountant (General)


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Hey there,

Looking for some hope on a pending tribunal...

I was refused my 187 visa application last September.  The reason for refusal was not holding a degree to be an Accountant under ANZSCO code 221111.  I do hold an Advanced Diploma in Accounting & have 15 years working experience.

I've previously been sponsored for 4 years as an Accountant on the 457 visa. A change of employment meant I had to restart my 2 years of employment with the same company before applying for PR.  At the time, I did not have 2 years left on the 457.  So I decided to make enquiries regarding my pathway to PR.  I had 2 agents advise me I was eligible to apply due to having more than 5 years work experience.  One was a 'no win, no fee' agent so I had a lot of faith in a positive outcome.  The visa application was sent to immigration 26/01/2016, the refusal came through 20/09/2018.  I decided to go with an agent called Euromigration because my employer didn't want to work with another agent.  I paid for the entire process around $8k & unfortunately, this agent did not offer 'no win, no fee', so I have lost the lot.

I'm looking to see if there is anyone out there who has been sponsored & approved under the same circumstances?

I believe I have a great lawyer to handle my case however, if there is any reassurance out there, it would be a huge stress reliever.



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There are too many unknown variables and it is difficult to comment based on the limited information in your post.

Something to consider though.

The issue is that ANZSCO requires a Degree for the occupation of Accountant and does not allow for employment experience to substitute for formal qualifications.

The 187 Regulations specifically refer to ANZSCO when detailing the occupation requirements.


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Why did you apply again, with the same information, when you had already been refused once?   What gave you reason to believe the outcome would be any different?  

Sadly, I think you just have to accept that your qualifications are not acceptable for a 187 visa.  Raul has confirmed that fact, and he is a highly experienced agent.  

I know it's frustrating.  I  know a few accountants and IMO diploma-qualified accountants are often much better at their jobs than degree-qualified, because their training is so much more real-world.  But rules are rules. 

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I agree contact a good agent and look to see if there is another occupation you might be able to consider. As long as the duties and qualifications align with your experience you might find a possible route in.  Of course if you are being employer sponsored they also need to align with the job.  If you can apply independently then you can do any job once you have a visa. 

Raul who has posted above would be a good start. 

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6 hours ago, Marisawright said:

Why did you apply again, with the same information, when you had already been refused once?   What gave you reason to believe the outcome would be any different?  

Sadly, I think you just have to accept that your qualifications are not acceptable for a 187 visa.  Raul has confirmed that fact, and he is a highly experienced agent.  

I know it's frustrating.  I  know a few accountants and IMO diploma-qualified accountants are often much better at their jobs than degree-qualified, because their training is so much more real-world.  But rules are rules. 


I didn't say I applied twice?

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Hi there,

I applied for 187 under Accountant on 17 August, 2017 but got nomination refusal on 15 February, 2019 without explanation in the email.

I rang the agent but they said, they will examine what was happended and will apply new nomination linked with my application. Can we really do that?

So, what should I do now? Should I apply for AAT or the agent do that for me?

What is the effect to my bridgning Visa?

My point test for 189 only 75 and 190 only 80 

Please help me at this stage.




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On 23/02/2019 at 13:46, TOMMY Morninglight said:

I applied for 187 under Accountant on 17 August, 2017 but got nomination refusal on 15 February, 2019 without explanation in the email.

If you were provided with all of the refusal documentation, it will specifically state the reason for the refusal. The Department does not refuse applications without giving a reason.

On 23/02/2019 at 13:46, TOMMY Morninglight said:

I rang the agent but they said, they will examine what was happended and will apply new nomination linked with my application. Can we really do that?

This is not possible.

On 23/02/2019 at 13:46, TOMMY Morninglight said:

So, what should I do now? Should I apply for AAT or the agent do that for me?

You should find out exactly what is going on with your application, including the specific reason for refusal. Not much point appealing at the AAT if the decision to refuse is correct.

On 23/02/2019 at 13:46, TOMMY Morninglight said:

What is the effect to my bridgning Visa?

It depends on your situation. This is the sort of question you should be asking your Agent.

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