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ADHD and visa medical test


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Hi all,

We have a 5yo son with ADHD and SLI (speech & language impairment), currently on low dosage meds (which are working really well at home/school).  During the last 2 years, we have been concerned around his slow speech and difficulty with more complex language constructs, but have since understood his ADHD is a barrier to him focusing and learning.  Now we are on top of it, he is making good progress and developing his language, despite being behind his peers by 1-2 years.  Our hope is to move to Aus (Melbourne) and as parents, we'd qualify through points and work, however we have concerns around the medical assessment and have been advised a year ago to understand his medical situation, else risk failing the assessment. 

Our question is - we know very little about how the assessments, how they're done, what they include etc.  Could we please ask for forum members who have children (or members of your party) with ADHD or SLI, what your experience is/was?  Any advice?  We want to be realistic and well organised in how we try and get through our application.  Grateful for any help!


Lastly as an aside, we are looking at the 189 and 190 visas, with the hope of making it to Melbourne.  Having read online, we think the application for the 190 Expression of Interest is free of charge.  Is this correct, or are there more charges (I'm a software engineer btw)?  The eligibility looks like 65 points, but are we correct in thinking 75 is actually what would be needed?  Again, thanks for any help/advice.

Thanks all

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When assessing for medicals they look at the potential cost to Australia and if it's envisaged that it will cost xxxx amount they are likely to refuse a visa.

It's often suggested to speak to George Lombard a registered migration agent who seems particularly helpful in assisting those with potential medical difficulties.


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Ditto, seek advice from an agent who specialises in medical conditions.  The ADHD probably not a deal breaker because it doesnt get any support from disability programs, kids just muddle through  in mainstream and don't attract any additional resources, especially not in Victoria, that most draconian of states.  Speech Language disorder though could potentially be the problem area - as soon as you enter into the realms of additional support through therapies or in class support or even special classes or special schools then the $ signs keep on rising.  Get updated assessments from your SLT and, if you can, any additional psycho educational assessments including cognitive ability, adaptive behaviour and current skill levels and present them to George or one of the other agents and see what they say.  No one can give you a yes/no answer on here but in general terms, if a kid is getting support in UK schools, in terms of STA or therapeutic input there is a greater likelihood that they will fail to get a visa. Victoria, as I have said, is particularly tight with its disability funding.

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Thankyou very much @ali and @Quoll.  We have all of the reports (you end up with countless assessments in this situation), but the suggestion of some fresh ones to have reviewed is a good one.  He does have an EHCP here in the UK with support via a TA/LSA, which is due to his speech not ADHD.  We will certainly get some advice through an agent such as George Lombard and team.

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