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Nurse looking to come to OZ with WHV


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Hi Guys, 

I'm new to the forum but just wanted to throw a question out there and possibly get some Info so I apologise if this has already been posted. 

I am a qualified adult nurse at degree level from England, I currently have just over a year post qualification experience in Emergency Department but will have around 2 years by the time I am am looking to actually move over to Oz. 

I have family In Melbourne so would be looking to go there, I am currently looking at the working holiday visa as my best option but I was wondering how those of you who have already moved or are in the process have found getting jobs? Have you gone through agencies? And are there any better ones to look at? Also what are wages like for agency workers as they dont seem advertise this info.  Any extra Info or advice is also appreciated 😁

TIA 👍😊

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Hi, thanks for your reply! 

Yes I do know this,  when I say move I just mean from England to oz but not permanent yet, I think the whv is better option to start with as I can give it a year living and working here and traveling round abit and using the time to get more Info about permanent move and see if its the right option, if its not I'll have at least given it a year 👍 and for the 6 month thing that's why I'm asking about people who may have gone with agencies as some say you can go with them for 12 months and they just move you around hospitals so not going over the 6 months at each.

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5 minutes ago, TattooNurseGym said:

I think the whv is better option to start with as I can give it a year living and working here and traveling round abit and using the time to get more Info about permanent move and see if its the right option

Excellent idea.  There's still a myth in the UK (based on generations of aunts, uncles, great-aunts and great-uncles who migrated in earlier years), that Australia automatically offers "a better life" than the UK.  Too many people abandon their comfortable lives  to migrate on the strength of that myth, then discover it's not the "dream" they expected.  

Don't get me wrong - personally, I prefer Australia to the UK.  But I know that is a purely a personal opinion and I've met plenty of people, on these forums alone, who prefer the UK to Australia.  So I think you're taking exactly the right approach.   

Do look into getting your registration sorted, because that will take a lot longer than getting the visa approved.  But also consider that you can do other kinds of work during your WHV.

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Yeah this is very true! I have thought about doing something  different job wise but as part of our nursing registration we have to do a certain amount  of hours so it's easier to keep doing that, plus I love my job as a nurse so it's easy not to change 😊 also I think if I did a year nursing and moving hospitals to try different areas this would give me a better grounding if I did move permanently as nursing is what I'd be doing and I've heard it's slightly different in Oz to the UK so would give me chance learn the differences 👍

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I see. When you said move I thought you meant permanently.

8 hours ago, TattooNurseGym said:

that's why I'm asking about people who may have gone with agencies as some say you can go with them for 12 months and they just move you around hospitals so not going over the 6 months at each.

Just be careful with this. If the agency is your employer moving to the different hospitals wouldn't count.

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I went to Brisbane on a WHV in 2011 - 2012. I worked for an agency but for IT. The agency paid me rather than the bank and insurance companies I worked at. So that would have been 1 employer. 

In short, the physical place of work isn't what dictates the 6 month rule. It's the people who pay you.

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5 minutes ago, TattooNurseGym said:

Yeah, I was a bit confused about this been true or not so Ive Contacted an agency to see how it would work as this is what it states would happen on their website, so I'm waiting to hear back from them 😬 

Jetblast is right. What matters is the name of the employer on your payslip. So if the agency is paying you, you can only stay with them for six months 

Edited by Marisawright
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 07/04/2019 at 19:56, TattooNurseGym said:

**SWMOYO4... Thankyou, yeah I'm looking at everything before I start anything really 😊 Ive got at least a year to sort myself out so should be all good! Did you use agencies for nursing work? How did you find sorting it all out? 

I moved here permanently... im in Mental health and had varied experience within it, so there were several job offers before I left the UK... 


I had considered agencies.


A trick which I suppose coukd work... is to join two or three agencies who supply a hospital near whereever you leave... then every 4-6months... just change the agency but not the job... 

Swingshift in Melbourne apparently have a lot of work... and you cab also register with HCA before you arrive...


Hows your AHPRA reg going?

Sorry for the massively late response 


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  • 2 years later...

Hi, so I’m back and actually doing it this time 😂  applied for visa and just had my medical. The issue I’m having at the moment is that in my vaccination records for my MMR and Varicella come up as neg or pos and I’m being told I need to have a figure result with this otherwise they won’t accept, I have to get a new test done privately for them both but can’t find anywhere that does this specifically, and my drs won’t. Anyone else had this issue? 



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