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Medical and police checks

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Just a quick question:

If the processing times are beyond 13 months for Partner Visa applications then it's not worth uploading police and medical checks now as it would seem they would need doing again before the visa would hopefully be granted.

Why do people front load them if they run the risk of of having to re apply for them? Does front loading guarantee the visa to be granted before 13 months?

Waiting for a C/O to request them would surely take much longer for the grant of the visa?

What have your experiences been?

(Sorry not really a quick question!)

Thank you.

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Front loading doesn't guarantee anything - might speed up the process by a couple of weeks (e.g. the time for your CO to request and for you to have them done and uploaded), but you don't go to the top of the pile by having front loaded.

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Front loading won’t guarantee anything. 

We chose to do the police and medical a few weeks after applying simply because it made ME feel better to tick things off the list.  And we took the risk knowing it could mean having to redo everything and/or have a very short entry period.  

I think it’s a personal choice - and you have to be prepared to accept the risks above.  

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It depends on the processing time and how soon after grant you can move if offshore. 

If processing time is over 12 months (which I believe it is for offshore partner visas) I wouldn’t front load. Wait until nearer the predicted processing time or even until requested. The only way it makes it quicker is as Ali says. 

Also remember you must make first entry within 1 year of the date on your meds/police checks (whichever comes first).

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On 31/05/2019 at 07:42, Aussiebird said:


Just a quick question:

If the processing times are beyond 13 months for Partner Visa applications then it's not worth uploading police and medical checks now as it would seem they would need doing again before the visa would hopefully be granted.

Why do people front load them if they run the risk of of having to re apply for them? Does front loading guarantee the visa to be granted before 13 months?

Waiting for a C/O to request them would surely take much longer for the grant of the visa?

What have your experiences been?

(Sorry not really a quick question!)

Thank you.

When I applied, I was told by Immi not to front load anything as the processing times were 18+ months.  We applied, and then were contacted by CO for meds and police checks. Our Visa was granted within 3 months and I never front loaded so I don't know if front loading really makes a difference or not.

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3 hours ago, Beffers said:

When I applied, I was told by Immi not to front load anything as the processing times were 18+ months.  We applied, and then were contacted by CO for meds and police checks. Our Visa was granted within 3 months and I never front loaded so I don't know if front loading really makes a difference or not.

Hi Beffers, thank you for your reply. 

Can i please ask how long it was before you heard from a C/O and how long ago did you get your visa granted, was it a partner visa?

Thank you. 

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On 1 June 2019 at 17:02, Aussiebird said:

Hi Beffers, thank you for your reply. 

Can i please ask how long it was before you heard from a C/O and how long ago did you get your visa granted, was it a partner visa?

Thank you. 

As per my timeline at bottom of my post 🙂 it was granted two years ago and it was a 309/100, both parts.

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1 hour ago, Beffers said:

As per my timeline at bottom of my post 🙂 it was granted two years ago and it was a 309/100, both parts.

Oh yes just read it, sorry i hadnt seen it before! That was very quick back then but not  sure grants would be as quick now. 

Thanks for replying. 

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6 hours ago, Aussiebird said:

Oh yes just read it, sorry i hadnt seen it before! That was very quick back then but not  sure grants would be as quick now. 

Thanks for replying. 

Well, never say never as I also had a very short timeline in 2019 🙂

But I think it does also depend on the processing office.  When we received an RFI (not for police checks or medicals but some other documents), just over a week later they called to ask if we already had the documents as that was all they needed to make a decision.  Within a hour of that call (where my partner confirmed we had uploaded the docs two nights before) my partner received the 309 and 100 grants.

In saying that, doing the medicals took less than two weeks - a week or so in advance to book the appointment, and 3-4 days for the confirmation the results had been provided to immi.  So maybe, at most, the medicals would have delayed the grant by a week if we'd waited for them to be requested.

So the answers are pretty much 'how long is a piece of string' and 'it takes as long as it takes' 🙂


Edited by katlb82
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