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Hi all, my husband is looking to come to Souoth Australian under the DAMA scheme as a truck driver.

Has anyone got any experience doing this and if so did you just send your CVs directly to the trucking companies?

Does anybody know of any companies that might be interested in employing him under this scheme?  He has 22 yrs experience driving HR and HC.

Thanks in advance for any advice or help, fingers crossed we'll get there.


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its not a state nominated scheme, apparently the employer has to sign up to it first but we dont know where to find employers who have done this or are interested in doing it.

There is an age concession for up to 50yrs old.  He is 45.

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The DAMA requires the employer to be approved by the state under the DAMA agreement first. There are age (and other) exemptions for certain occupations. The SA DAMA is very new, so it’s early days to find an employer who has sorted out the Labour agreement. All the details are on the Migration SA website: https://www.migration.sa.gov.au/local-employers/designated-area-migration-agreements



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2 hours ago, SarahOLH said:

they only just increased it to 50 in May and opened application today and it said 50

That may be true, but remember the DAMA is only a temporary work contract and only valid while he works for that employer.  If he loses the job for any reason (business goes bust, redundancies, or they treat him badly), then you'll have to go home. 

If you're looking at it as a pathway to permanent residency, then check what the rules are for that.   If he has to meet normal eligibility requirements for PR, then it's 45.


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13 hours ago, SarahOLH said:

its not a state nominated scheme, apparently the employer has to sign up to it first but we dont know where to find employers who have done this or are interested in doing it.

There is an age concession for up to 50yrs old.  He is 45.

Maybe get a list of all potential employers (white pages or google search should help you find haulage companys etc) and stay up late one night and call around to see if any seem interested. If its new to SA make sure you know whats what so you can explain the in's and out's to them if they show interest.  Next best is emails direct to company's but its way too easy to ignore an email.

 Good luck with your search and fingers crossed it doesnt take too long to find a willing employer.

          Cal x

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