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Dog shipping and container ships!


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Anybody recently moved and gave up to date quotes?!

i have 2 dogs, approx 8kg, 5 years old, they are puggles (so bigger than a pug but smaller than a beagle)... I know they need dog passports but any recent costs etc would be so helpful.

also, deciphering what to take and what to leave. And I have NO idea what to start re shipping containers. Any help on sizes/house sizes for comparison/amounts and prices to help?

i can fill out all the quotes but there’s so many and I don’t know the best ones etc.


thank you so much. 

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Most people get scared when they see how much shipping costs and think, "My stuff isn't worth that much, I'll just throw it all out and start again."    Before you do that, do a trial shop.

Go shopping online at harveynorman.com.au, petersofkensington.com.au, target.com.au.  Just "add to cart" everything you'll need to equip your home, then go and look at the total order (and probably faint).    You can also do ikea.com.au, but make sure there's an Ikea near where you're going, as they don't ship to the whole of Australia. 

Personally, I'd say it's worth shipping most things, unless they're in really poor condition.  It's not just the cost of replacing everything - it's the time.  You arrive in Australia and you've got enough on your plate adapting to a foreign country, so the last thing you want to do is trek round shops buying crockery, cutlery, pots, pans, bedlinen, towels, whitegoods, furniture....

If you ship your belongings, they will take a few weeks to arrive, but you'll need to book a holiday let for a month anyway while you look for a rental.   Then you may have only a couple of weeks to survive "camping" in your new home.  Some people choose not to ship their beds, mattresses and bedlinen so they'll have something to sleep in even if the container is delayed.

If you have children then it's best to bring their toys and books and other favourite things, because familiar things help them settle in.  

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14 hours ago, summer said:

Anybody recently moved and gave up to date quotes?!

i have 2 dogs, approx 8kg, 5 years old, they are puggles (so bigger than a pug but smaller than a beagle)... I know they need dog passports but any recent costs etc would be so helpful.

also, deciphering what to take and what to leave. And I have NO idea what to start re shipping containers. Any help on sizes/house sizes for comparison/amounts and prices to help?

i can fill out all the quotes but there’s so many and I don’t know the best ones etc.


thank you so much. 

Regarding the dogs - pet passports are not required and I don't think recognised at all in Australia.

There are a lot of hoops to jump through, the first one being the rabies vaccination and antibodies test. When that's done there is a six month waiting period before the dogs can be shipped.

It's quite a long and complicated process so would recommend contacting petair, Jetpets or another company to get advice and quotes. They walk you through every step and are fantastic (but not cheap)

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I am using Tim Finlay in Manchester to fly my dog home. He’s much bigger than yours though so the price won’t be much help! As mentined above the rabies vaccine needs to be done 7mths before you fly...people say 6months,  but its 180 from when the blood is drawn and you need the vaccine done at least 3weeks prior to this. I’d add in extra buffer too just in case...my boy needed 4 rabies vaccinations which put a significant spanner in the works 😞

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On 11/09/2019 at 15:08, summer said:

We are going to the sunny coast. I’ve just been told that the dogs may be able to share a container. Does this affect price do you know Or is it merely for comfort??!

Animals are charged on cubic volume, so 2 in a carrier would need a bigger crate so would increase the price. Whether it would be more or less than 2 smaller crates I don’t know. Don’t even know if 2 in a crate is allowed.

Maybe check out @BobPetairUK as they are on the forum and do a range of prices depending on how much you want to do yourself. 

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On 31 August 2019 at 15:32, summer said:

Anybody recently moved and gave up to date quotes?!

i have 2 dogs, approx 8kg, 5 years old, they are puggles (so bigger than a pug but smaller than a beagle)... I know they need dog passports but any recent costs etc would be so helpful.

also, deciphering what to take and what to leave. And I have NO idea what to start re shipping containers. Any help on sizes/house sizes for comparison/amounts and prices to help?

i can fill out all the quotes but there’s so many and I don’t know the best ones etc.


thank you so much. 

https://www.travelnuity.com/dog-quarantine-australia/ useful Blog,  My dog in there as we speak after a heart breaking flight from Heathrow to Perth then onto Melbourne.

Total cost for me come just under £6000 all in, I got gold treatment from Petair UK, thats also an internal flight from Melbourne back to Perth after her stay,

1800 dollars For Melbourne quarantine... Now waiting to find out If she will be released on time and she is all good... 🙂

My Dog is a Labrador, 25Kg had a big cage (wrote she was bigger when asked size, so she had more space ;)..)

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Hi @summer

Small dogs can have a double crate with a divider and fly in the same main crate, but it is better for them to have their own divided area. Puggles will only be able to fly with Qantas as they are classed by most airlines as snub nosed. It takes at least 7 months from start to finish, so worth starting early. Have a read of this for more detail https://www.petairuk.com/taking-pets-to-australia/dogs-australia

And we will do you a free quote if you like, but off the top of my head (and dont hold me to this) then about £4000 in UK, but quarantine fees x 2 (at £1800 AUD each). But there are lots of variables in that, so if you want a better and more accurate quote then fill out our form https://www.petairuk.com/get-a-quote and we can gather all the details we need and give you a quote.

Lots of pets go from UK to Queensland and cope fine with the heat - it is the same as the humans - it is hot at first, but then you get used to it and your bodies adapt.

I hope that helps and if you need anything else then let us know.

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22 hours ago, BobPetairUK said:

Hi @summer

Small dogs can have a double crate with a divider and fly in the same main crate, but it is better for them to have their own divided area. Puggles will only be able to fly with Qantas as they are classed by most airlines as snub nosed. It takes at least 7 months from start to finish, so worth starting early. Have a read of this for more detail https://www.petairuk.com/taking-pets-to-australia/dogs-australia

And we will do you a free quote if you like, but off the top of my head (and dont hold me to this) then about £4000 in UK, but quarantine fees x 2 (at £1800 AUD each). But there are lots of variables in that, so if you want a better and more accurate quote then fill out our form https://www.petairuk.com/get-a-quote and we can gather all the details we need and give you a quote.

Lots of pets go from UK to Queensland and cope fine with the heat - it is the same as the humans - it is hot at first, but then you get used to it and your bodies adapt.

I hope that helps and if you need anything else then let us know.

Thank you Bob, why can puggles only fly on certain airlines?! It doesn’t bother me just wondered! Also, is that guesstimate £4K per dog with quarantine fees on top? Thank you. 

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14 hours ago, summer said:

Thank you Bob, why can puggles only fly on certain airlines?! It doesn’t bother me just wondered! Also, is that guesstimate £4K per dog with quarantine fees on top? Thank you. 

I'm sure you're aware that snub-nosed ("brachycephalic") dogs can have restricted breathing at the best of times. That can get dangerously worse when they get stressed or over-heated.  Sitting in a cage for hours, separated from their human, in a stifling (or freezing) cargo hold is about as stressed as a dog can get.  Many airlines have judged that the risk of death is too high and refuse to carry them.

Have a chat with your vet about your own dogs' risk.   I'd have thought a puggle would be less at risk than a purebred pug because they usually have longer snout, but it depends on the breeder. 

Edited by Marisawright
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