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Parent visa subclass 143


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 I would like to sponser my mother under parent visa (subclass 143). Since, my mother is Nepalese and currently in Nepal, I would like to know how/where we can loadge an application for her? I would greatly appreciate if I could get a checklist for the visa.
Additionaly she holds Australian visitor visa, will she be able to travel to/from Australia after parent visa application has been loadged?
Futher, my brother is 18 yrs old and i was wondering if we can add him as a dependent child under same application? 

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This is normally a more simple visa (as long as people understand the processing time (which is very long) and costs (which are very high). In western countries, it is usually very hard to include a sibling over the age of 18. But, it can sometimes be possible in more developing countries. You are going though to need the help of a registered migration agent to help as this is fairly complex. 

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4 hours ago, Sushthp said:

 I would like to sponser my mother under parent visa (subclass 143). Since, my mother is Nepalese and currently in Nepal, I would like to know how/where we can loadge an application for her? I would greatly appreciate if I could get a checklist for the visa.
Additionaly she holds Australian visitor visa, will she be able to travel to/from Australia after parent visa application has been loadged?
Futher, my brother is 18 yrs old and i was wondering if we can add him as a dependent child under same application? 

The wait time for this visa would be in excess of six years. I’d say it’s unlikely you’d be able to evidence your brother would still be dependent at 24/25 years old.

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