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I'm on a BVA visa which is a bridging visa which allow apparently allows no travel outside of Australia. If I want to leave I have to buy a BVB visa which the last time I looked cost $155. Wonderful.

I applied for a last remaining relative visa and the wait time is currently over 50 years. So my question is how long can I stay outside of Australia for bearing in mind I'm not likely to get the visa for over half a century?

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If you want to migrate to Australia, the correct way is to stay in your home country, apply for a visa, and wait for it to be granted.

If you CHOOSE to get around the system by arriving in Australia and then applying for a visa, that's your choice, and naturally it's going to have some snags - otherwise everybody would be doing it.  You don't like the snags, go home.

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23 minutes ago, Marisawright said:

If you want to migrate to Australia, the correct way is to stay in your home country, apply for a visa, and wait for it to be granted.

If you CHOOSE to get around the system by arriving in Australia and then applying for a visa, that's your choice, and naturally it's going to have some snags - otherwise everybody would be doing it.  You don't like the snags, go home.

I'd be waiting 56 years as that's how long it takes to be granted.

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1 hour ago, jul2019 said:

i have no recollection of posting that. 

You said "It's not easy I know. When I first came to Perth in 2008 I hated it, then the next 3 times I went I loved it. Now coming here again I absolutely hate it just like I did the first time. The weather is great but that's about all I like. Supermarkets in England are far better than the ones here. More choice and cheaper. I get the feeling Brits are looked upon as taking over some areas going by posts I've read online so some Australians have a negative view of us. Also Australians are very unhygenic. In the UK no one would allowed to walk barefoot in supermarkets but over here it's normal and no one seems to complain. Lazy, rude, uneducated and unhygenic is how I would describe Australians. Graffiti is another problem. I wasn't expecting to see so much of it in areas that have only recently been built."

I really don't know why you are on the forum.  You don't like Australia  ............  well you don't need an exit visa.  You can't afford rent, you've never paid tax, you like 16 year old girls and you have a really bad memory.  It's like reading a really, really bad mini autobiography.  😂

Edited by Toots
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