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Its sunny not cloud in the sky !!!!!!!!!!!

Que Sera Sera

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I don't beleeeeeive it. Its there in the sky shining away and there are no clouds and it warm. Oh joy how long will it last do you think? I am in total shock:notworthy: Sunday Lunch may be off at this rate as my sun lounger beckons ! (and the ironing come to that!):jiggy:

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Guest Jaynie

Quick Cath get your washing out!!!! also when you posted the other day you said it was nice and the washing was out and 15mins later it was lashing down and you had to bring it in! You might have put the mockers on yourself by posting!! lol

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Guest moonraker1961

Yes it is a glorious day today and whats even better is we are now on a week's holiday!

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Quick Cath get your washing out!!!! also when you posted the other day you said it was nice and the washing was out and 15mins later it was lashing down and you had to bring it in! You might have put the mockers on yourself by posting!! lol



You are so right because I have just spotted on the horizon grey clouds forming. Its a conspiracy I tell you! You wake up to beautiful blue skys every flipping weekend and by 11 oclock its raining!

Get me offer to NSW now!

And Moonraker have a great holiday and I hope it stays fine for you. Whereabouts you holidaying?

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Guest stockies

Just got up and looked out of window, no flaming sun here...... got back into me pit again...... I just want a bit of sun and warmth...... not too much to ask for is it.?????????????


Claire. XX

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Guest moonraker1961

MattCath:We are staying home until Thursday then off to a festival in our county (Wiltshire)called Womad,its a world music festival and we have hired a tipi.Just hope the weather holds up as last time (In May)we had arranged to go to the Sunrise Celebration Festival just the other side of Yeovil,it had rained for practically 2 weeks solid so you can imagine the state of the site?Not pretty right?Anyway it got cancelled the last minute and we then had to spend a week stuck indoors going stir crazy!!!We could of gone somewhere overseas both times but am at the moment trying to keep expenses to a minimum incase we decide to go back to Oz.If we don't go back to Oz,then we're off to India (North this time)for 2-3 weks in November.

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Wow! Moonraker good on you I have only ever been to the Reading festival so I don't have much experience but did enjoy it. Hope you have a good time and it has now gone completely black in the sky now :cry:just waiting for the downpoor so I really hope it does dry out for you.:yes:

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Guest moonraker1961

We have a plan B if the weather turns horrible.We also have a festival 3 miles from where we live (folk festival)so as we havent brought the tickets yet to Womad,we could go to the local one and then drive home each night.I don't mind the wet if I can get a decent shower and sleep lol.We deliberately held off buying the tickets for Womad until we know what the weather is doing lolxx

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Guest Brendan/Mandy

Hi cath thought i would say hi as also came from Gloucester, as for festivals isn't Party on the Beach" on in weston today?



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Well Cath, the suns been out here all morning in lovely Liverpool, and my washing is out, but as I am typing the room is getting darker and I can hear the wind getting up as well ................... better go and get the washing in before it needs to go back in the machine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hows Harvey, being good I hope, sorry and your OH and the kids.








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Well Cath, the suns been out here all morning in lovely Liverpool, and my washing is out, but as I am typing the room is getting darker and I can hear the wind getting up as well ................... better go and get the washing in before it needs to go back in the machine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hows Harvey, being good I hope, sorry and your OH and the kids.









Hi Debbie yep its a lovely summers day here again (not) I wouldnt mind if it rained all night but you wake up in the morning and its lovely sunshine and then low and behold here comes the clouds.

Harvey is fine thanks although the lino in the kitchen took a battering last night. He is on a written warning! OH happy as watching the Grand Prix and waiting for his Sunday Lunch to magic itself onto his lap! Hope all is well up there in Liverpool. My sister lives in Prestatyn so not too far from you. Although her family try to distance themselves from the English !!!!


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Hi Debbie yep its a lovely summers day here again (not) I wouldnt mind if it rained all night but you wake up in the morning and its lovely sunshine and then low and behold here comes the clouds.

Harvey is fine thanks although the lino in the kitchen took a battering last night. He is on a written warning! OH happy as watching the Grand Prix and waiting for his Sunday Lunch to magic itself onto his lap! Hope all is well up there in Liverpool. My sister lives in Prestatyn so not too far from you. Although her family try to distance themselves from the English !!!!




Yes I was right, the rain came down, have managed to get the washing in though, was going to do another load, but not worth it now, it can wait until tomorrow. You watch in 10 mins bet the sun will be out again, but thats the good old English weather for you isnt it!!!!!


Weve been very lucky with Calli, only chewed the leg on a coffee table, only did it the once, sprayed it with some stuff and never did it again, just go around spraying everything you think they are going to chew and it leaves them with a bad taste so dont bother touching stuff any more.


My OH just back from taking dog out for a walk, hes in front of the telly also with the Grand Prix on, if he doesnt move himself and get some of his ACS (IT Assessment for Australia) work done this afternoon, he will be in my bad books and making his own sunday lunch, he needs a rocket up his backside sometimes, too laid back for my liking. If I left everything to him re: Australia im afraid to say dont think we would be going, too damned laid back.


We are all fine up here in Liverpool and yes your sister not too far from us, but have to say she does live in another country, LOL.





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Yep OH exactly the same I have done all the paperwork so far myself. All his references for the TRA and all he has had to do is take them to his old employers. Has he? has he heck, I have emailed them all but have only had one response, two to go. Its been two weeks now so he really will have to get them done in person and then get the stat decs and the certified copies done. I can't do it all for him so I expect in a months time I shall still be here waiting!

What are they like. When and if we get to Australia he will probably say Gosh that was hard work ! yeh right!

Never mind I will make him pay when we get there. It might just take me longer than I thought to get that part time job!!!!:twitcy:

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