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Hi everyone I will get straight to the point. 
I’m speaking to anyone who has an understanding of visas. 

I visited Australia on the 22nd of May in the hope of finding work, due to personal reasons I had to leave the country after 3 months of not working a single day. ( I was granted a 12 month visa) 

What visa is suitable for someone who has already used the ‘working holiday visa’ and doesn’t have time to revisit Australia to fit in the 88 days farm work to be given a second year visa. 

Absolutely gutted as most other visas you have to be in ‘skilled’ work or have knowledge of a particular field. 

If someone could help it would be a massive help. 

Thank you everyone ❤️

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If you’re talking about a visa that allows you to work, then it’s only the skilled visas which are temporary, provisional or permanent. All require you to have an occupation on the skills list, and the relevant skills assessment, experience, English requirements etc. 

Its a shame your working holiday didn’t work out.

There are the tourist visas, but these do not allow you to work. 

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You get your visa BEFORE you apply for work! Check to see that your skills are on the wanted list then go through the process and hope that you may one day be offered a visa. You can’t just rock up and expect to get a job which will lead you to a visa. You need to talk to an agent about whether you’re going to be eligible. No point in being gutted about it, you’re either skilled or you aren’t. 

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I understand, very disappointing.

hopefully the laws change soon and I can go back freely to work. 
It’s almost like Australia has just told me you have wasted your chance. 

life goes on! I’ll see you again one day Aus ❤️

thanks for the reply 

Edited by MaggieMay24
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Sadly, if you've used even part of your WHV, you can't get another one.   

You say you took the WHV to look for work. I'm guessing you'd heard the stories about going to Australia on a WHV, finding a job, and then the employer is so pleased with you that he sponsors you for a permanent visa.

It may be a comfort to know that it doesn't work like that. It's one of those myths that goes around.   It does happen occasionally, but it's very rare.  

That's because employer-sponsored visas have the same rules as the other visas you mention.  Employers can't sponsor just anybody for any job.  The work must be on the government's list of skilled work, and the employee must have the exact qualifications  and experience specified by that list. Young people on a WHV don't usually have enough experience to qualify, so it's very rare for a WHV-er to manage it (those that do have usually waited till their late twenties to do the WHV).  In your case it would've been impossible. 

Besides, employer-sponsored visas nowadays are just temporary, so you only get another 2 to 4 years in Australia, then you might be able to apply for a permanent visa but it's not guaranteed. 


Edited by Marisawright
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32 minutes ago, Longtill54 said:

hopefully the laws change soon and I can go back freely to work. 
It’s almost like Australia has just told me you have wasted your chance. 

The laws change all the time, but they change to make it more difficult, not to make it easier, I'm afraid. 

Anyway, as I replied on the other thread, all you wasted was your chance to have a nice working holiday in Australia. You didn't waste your chance to migrate, because you don't have the skills and therefore no employer could have offered you permanent work. 

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1 hour ago, Longtill54 said:

I understand, very disappointing.

hopefully the laws change soon and I can go back freely to work. 

If the laws change it’ll be harder not easier. You did miss your chance, especially by not working at all in the 3 months you were there, but you knew this when you signed up, it’s not like they tricked you. 


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