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457 to TSS with with EOI submitted (Vic)


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So I'm currently in Vic on 457. I'm a psych nurse. I just last month submitted my EOI for Vic after being here 2.5 years. 80 points total, given my age, experience and superior English, +5 for state sponsored.

I'm looking at changing employers, for a promotion to nurse unit manager. My 457 would be replaced with a TSS, two years. My new employer has suggested this could be an issue for my PR eligibility? My googling and research don't indicate this. I have emailed my new employer but they haven't got back to me yet and I'm racking my brains where this can change things. My 189/190 application is independent of my 457 or TSS, right?

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1 hour ago, Marisawright said:

If you are applying independently for the 189 or the 190, then your employer-sponsored visas (457 and TSS) are irrelevant.  

Where it would be relevant is if you wanted to go the employer-sponsored PR route, i.e. the 186 or the 187

Yeah thank you, that was my thought too. My current employer is able to sponsor and not until I've been there 3 years (Sept). I'm a bit wary cos they have been on and off with their funding for this, so by Sept they could have pulled it.  I'm also not sure I have another 2 years working for them in me, I'm kind of done now. So independent all the way! As long as moving to TSS doesn't put me at any disadvantage, is the main thing.

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