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Autism and health requirements


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Hi All, 

We have applied for a state sponsored visa and just had our family medicals. We are currently onshore in melbourne. My 8 year old son has autism and has a school aid a few hours a day. We have just received a letter saying he doesnt meet the health criteria and we maybe refused the visas. Has anyone had experience of this and what to do next.....ive hit full blown panic mode




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If you haven't already done so you will need to  talk to one of the agents who specialise in medical conditions - George Lombard  is generally suggested in this regard.  However, yes, it is quite likely that your visa will be refused.  Needing 1:1 aide time for a few hours a day is going to take you over the threshold of cost to the Australian tax payer.  Autism is usually cited as one of the most usual reasons for rejection because it is expensive to support.  

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22 minutes ago, cheekytyke said:

Im on a bridging visa - In the event they decline the 190 visa application, what happens to the TSS visa im currently on - expires Oct 22. Does that stay in place or will I have to leave the county immediatley ? 


I second the advice that you should contact an agent asap to be on the safe side, however my understanding is that your TSS visa remains valid until its expiry.

Edited by Marisawright
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Are you on a bridging visa or a TSS visa? Bridging visas don’t cut in until your current visa expires. So looks like you might be lucky and get to stay until your TSS expires. Or, knowing you will have to go back, you may decide to return to U.K. sooner Rather than later, they’re generally held to meet the needs of children with autism better than Australia.

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Thanks.....I spoke to George and he recommended  that i try for that aswell, at Ieast there is hope and you managed to get yours through! Hopefully I will have the same outcome.  Its really difficult once a diagnosis  is in place and I'm reluctant to try and have it overturned as my son will lose aide funding. 

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1 hour ago, cheekytyke said:

Thanks.....I spoke to George and he recommended  that i try for that aswell, at Ieast there is hope and you managed to get yours through! Hopefully I will have the same outcome.  Its really difficult once a diagnosis  is in place and I'm reluctant to try and have it overturned as my son will lose aide funding. 

That may be the problem you're up against.  If he needs aide funding then that's what will push him over the threshold.  Obviously it would be fraudulent to say he didn't need it, so you may need to be prepared for a disappointment.  Best of luck

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2 hours ago, cheekytyke said:

Thanks.....I spoke to George and he recommended  that i try for that aswell, at Ieast there is hope and you managed to get yours through! Hopefully I will have the same outcome.  Its really difficult once a diagnosis  is in place and I'm reluctant to try and have it overturned as my son will lose aide funding. 

If Victoria have decided that he meets their criteria for disability support then they are the most draconian in the country so you know that he must really need it.  Other states have marginally more lax eligibility criteria but, still, he has the diagnosis from a paediatric medical practitioner or multi disciplinary team so getting rid of the label isnt going to be that easy.  The thing is though, that there is a huge range of ability within the disability and some kids who may have a label are still fairly functional and are able to make it unsupported in a mainstream environment - they are more likely to get visas but will never qualify for the aide time.  Real catch 22, sadly.  

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