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OK we have had OZ v UK now lets have which area of OZ is the best?

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Guest phoenix01
It's all about personal preference isn't it - personally my family and I love it in WA as do quite a few on PIO, particularly the Bunbury gang - who have all settled down there.


Oh... and welcome to PIO Phoenix ... I noticed it was your first post.


:no:I'm sorry I should never have slagged of Perth but I feel so bitter at the moment and I have no reason to blame the Country itself. I have a young family of 3 boys and to drag them anywhere else in Oz would cripple them so we feel that we have no choice but to return to UK. I have no regrets and all I recommend to anyone making the move is to research well before taking such a big step.

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Why would it cripple the kids Phoenix ? I thought bringing them to here would upset the apple cart ,4 different homes within the year (including rentals) they adapt much quicker than we think & expact,its us adults who struggle more!lol.If i hated here (Brisbane)so much i could never go back to the Uk without giving somewere else in Oz a go ,it would seem like such a waste.

The states do seem to vary greatly reading other members posts,but we are all different and thats why we settle all over Oz.Whats hard for you in Perth? maybe someone will come along and say 'well if thats what you miss ,try ??????, '.

I live living here as i can have an active or beach day at The Gold Coast, or a chilled day up at the sunny coast or a scenic day in northern NSW,best of everything all within reach!!

Hope you can sort something Phoenix and if you ever need to 'vent' we are all here,keep smiling

Cal x

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there are several posters on here Lisa who delight in pulling Australia to pieces, however the vast majority of us love it here.


makes you wonder why the ones who pull it to shreds came here in the first place if the UK was so wonderful, why did they leave??? Never been told the answer to that one!


I can answer that for you...the same reasons as many...the false belief that my kids would have a "better" life here.


Do you really believe we put ourselfs and our family through the emigration process to come over here and hate it???


Maybe you should have a little understanding for the people who struggle over here...you never know it might be you one day....just look at Quoll it took her 15 years to want to return to the uk. I doubt VERY much that people take delight in tearing Oz to shreds ..infact Im positive they really want to feel the reverse.... but its just not for them.

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Why would it cripple the kids Phoenix ? I thought bringing them to here would upset the apple cart ,4 different homes within the year (including rentals) they adapt much quicker than we think & expact,its us adults who struggle more!lol.If i hated here (Brisbane)so much i could never go back to the Uk without giving somewere else in Oz a go ,it would seem like such a waste.

The states do seem to vary greatly reading other members posts,but we are all different and thats why we settle all over Oz.Whats hard for you in Perth? maybe someone will come along and say 'well if thats what you miss ,try ??????, '.

I live living here as i can have an active or beach day at The Gold Coast, or a chilled day up at the sunny coast or a scenic day in northern NSW,best of everything all within reach!!

Hope you can sort something Phoenix and if you ever need to 'vent' we are all here,keep smiling

Cal x


You are very right. My daughter went out when she was 15 to stay with her Father. at that time and they were living in Perth. After ayear they moved as they found it too quiet and moved just about as far away as they could to Brisbane. She had to uproot schools and friends once again and I was not happy. But it was absolutely fine she now has lots of new friends and there is MSN and her Father and Stepmother are much happier there too!:yes:

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I know , I know ,I sound like a scratched record and a sad person . But have a look at Tassie before you go back to UK or at least take a look before you come over! . Good site to look at is www.tchange.com.au No where pleases everyone but Tasmania and Australia pleases us.




Hi Sally I have looked at Tassie ( we are open) but at this moment in time there does not seem to be jobs for my OH there.:v_SPIN:

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Sometimes you don't have to move as far as the other side of the country ... sometimes a different suburb may provide what you're looking for. As Cal said if you let us know what you're missing!! How long have you been here? Have you made any friends? Are your working or do you feel isolated?


Ali x

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Guest TheHollies
:wacko:Whatever you do! Dont go to Perth. We r in perth and are leaving to go back to Uk, its that bad. I reccomend you try anywhere but!



Why do you hate Perth so much??

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Guest phoenix01
Why do you hate Perth so much??


:dull:Hate is a strong word and I should never have posted such words but I find Perth very boring and dull, maybe its because I have such a young family and find it hard to get out and about more, I dont know. My baby has been unwell since birth so looking after him every day all day gets me down, I miss the family support. My other kids find it boring and I struggle to keep them amused here. I know Perth has great beaches but its not something you can do all the time.

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Guest sheena
I can answer that for you...the same reasons as many...the false belief that my kids would have a "better" life here.


Do you really believe we put ourselfs and our family through the emigration process to come over here and hate it???


Maybe you should have a little understanding for the people who struggle over here...you never know it might be you one day....just look at Quoll it took her 15 years to want to return to the uk. I doubt VERY much that people take delight in tearing Oz to shreds ..infact Im positive they really want to feel the reverse.... but its just not for them.


why do you think its a false belief that your kids will have a better life in oz?

just curious really!

my kids are so much better off here its unreal, but if oz is not for some people why do they feel the need to slate it? if you dont like the country get out is what i say!!!

and can i just say that i know of somebody who uprooted her family moved to oz, decided she hated it after a year or so, went home for a year, came back out and has now decided again its not for them and they are going back again!! but not for 4-5 years! how stupid is that? i feel sorry for the kids, they would of made friends etc got really settled to be uprooted again in 4-5 years time!!!!!!!! if you dont like it get out now is what i say, and dont slate the country, its not oz'z fault you cant settle etc, but there again if it was me and i didnt like it i would be on the first plane out of here, no excuse to stay!



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Guest Colin R

To MattCath

Love the Doodle. We have one over here she is called Winnie and she is a huge pain in the bum. Not really she is a lovely . She is a Tasmanian Labradoodle. Luckily she only has 1 head not two!!!!!!!!!!!

What does your OH do for a living?


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why do you think its a false belief that your kids will have a better life in oz?

just curious really!

my kids are so much better off here its unreal, but if oz is not for some people why do they feel the need to slate it? if you dont like the country get out is what i say!!!

and can i just say that i know of somebody who uprooted her family moved to oz, decided she hated it after a year or so, went home for a year, came back out and has now decided again its not for them and they are going back again!! but not for 4-5 years! how stupid is that? i feel sorry for the kids, they would of made friends etc got really settled to be uprooted again in 4-5 years time!!!!!!!! if you dont like it get out now is what i say, and dont slate the country, its not oz'z fault you cant settle etc, but there again if it was me and i didnt like it i would be on the first plane out of here, no excuse to stay!




I say it was a "false belief" because for me it was ...my daughters life will not be better because she lives in Oz... what opportunities would she have here that she wouldnt have in the UK? Only in the Uk her whole family will be there to see her grow up.

And not that it is any of your buisness but I am leaving...just waiting on selling /building my house and I will be on a plane...by the way it is 18 months behind schedule because of the laid back aussie lifestyle...living the dream eh?


And why is it if people post factual information about oz that isnt favourable the are accused of slating the place? I for one never slate the place ... I see australia for what it is good and bad ... and I know where I am better off.


So you will be glad to know that like you, I will never stay in a place I am not happy and just like it takes people months to move here it takes the same to move back.

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Guest Pinhead


Just as a matter of interest where are you in Oz?

Other than the family reasons/ believing kids not being better off in Oz are there any other reasons you're leaving Oz?

What are the positive things you have found (if any) in living in Oz?


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Guest sheena
I say it was a "false belief" because for me it was ...my daughters life will not be better because she lives in Oz... what opportunities would she have here that she wouldnt have in the UK? Only in the Uk her whole family will be there to see her grow up.

And not that it is any of your buisness but I am leaving...just waiting on selling /building my house and I will be on a plane...by the way it is 18 months behind schedule because of the laid back aussie lifestyle...living the dream eh?


And why is it if people post factual information about oz that isnt favourable the are accused of slating the place? I for one never slate the place ... I see australia for what it is good and bad ... and I know where I am better off.


So you will be glad to know that like you, I will never stay in a place I am not happy and just like it takes people months to move here it takes the same to move back.


ha,ha, see if that was me, i would sack my builders and get new people to do the job!!

and english builders are just the same! and i wouldnt wait for it to be finished in the first place, even if i had to beg, steal and borrow i would be gone!! i have left my whole family in uk, but i know i have done the right thing for my kids, oz has crime the same as the whole world but nowhere on the scale it is in uk, i dont want my kids to go to school and get stabbed etc, all places have good points and bad, but my point is if people are not settled etc why blame the country they are living in? whether it's uk,oz, or timbucktoo



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Just as a matter of interest where are you in Oz?

Other than the family reasons/ believing kids not being better off in Oz are there any other reasons you're leaving Oz?

What are the positive things you have found (if any) in living in Oz?



Hi Pinhead.

I am in Brisbane been here almost 2 years.

Loads of reasons for leaving really but Family being the biggest.On the whole I have been really dissappointed with the place...find Brisbane really behind in the times and can take some getting used to.Christmas is a non event as far as I am concerned and thats not something you want your kids to miss out on.Had real problems with our house build and some peple may think this is funny but its been really difficult to deal with and no doubt has made the experiance harder.I find cost of living expensive and my husband has to work more hour for us to get by....Im sure you can understand that's not what we wanted. We had to increase our mortgage to get what I would class as a standard house and with intrest rates so High... this we were really dissappointed in. My husband HATES his job and I dont think there are many other companies that take on his trade.On the whole I find Brisbane really really boring.... its so quiet and I am slowing going mad.


I can also see the positives. Bigger houses(Although the novelty quickly wore off). Beaches and weather are a positive.I have made loads of friends that I wouldn't have meet had I not been out of my comfort zone and this is something Im going try to do in the UK.I think the family assistance program(Bit like Child benefit) is excellent and Oz are very supportive of the stay at home mum.Apart from that Im stuck Pinhead but no doubt I will remember others when Im back in bonny scotland.

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ha,ha, see if that was me, i would sack my builders and get new people to do the job!!

and english builders are just the same! and i wouldnt wait for it to be finished in the first place, even if i had to beg, steal and borrow i would be gone!! i have left my whole family in uk, but i know i have done the right thing for my kids, oz has crime the same as the whole world but nowhere on the scale it is in uk, i dont want my kids to go to school and get stabbed etc, all places have good points and bad, but my point is if people are not settled etc why blame the country they are living in? whether it's uk,oz, or timbucktoo




You know what shenna I really hope you do not fall on hard times over here...I myself could not laugh at other peoples misfortunes but I guess Im just a nice person.Im glad your VERY short stay in Oz is going well lets hope it continues for you.

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To MattCath

Love the Doodle. We have one over here she is called Winnie and she is a huge pain in the bum. Not really she is a lovely . She is a Tasmanian Labradoodle. Luckily she only has 1 head not two!!!!!!!!!!!

What does your OH do for a living?



Hes a CNC Machinist Toolmaker. We wish we had waited until we got there to get our doodle now. He's only 7 months old and we got him before we made the decision to go for it so all and all he is going to be a very expensive pup by the time we have paid for him to go over!! still he is cute. I can't get quotes yet as he is still young and they need sizes to give quotes and I have no idea how big he is going to be. He's an F1 cross so still an unknown quantity!

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Guest Pinhead

Thanks Joetrac


I wasn't really taken with Brisbane, Melbourne is much more vibrant and my sort of place.


I can understand re house build. Where I worked in Melbourne there was an aussie having his house built and he said it was extremely stressful with him having to spend a lot of time monitoring it, checking things were OK,etc. I don't think people realise that you basically have to project manage the whole thing even though you're paying someone to do all the work.


Good luck with your move back to Scotland.

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Guest sheena
You know what shenna I really hope you do not fall on hard times over here...I myself could not laugh at other peoples misfortunes but I guess Im just a nice person.Im glad your VERY short stay in Oz is going well lets hope it continues for you.


was not laughing at YOU!! its just that i have balls and dont take rubbish from anyone including workmen! ps. i am a VERY NICE PERSON

and what has my being in oz for a short while got to do with anything?

my hubby works bloody hard, hes on VERY GOOD WAGES, i have a house here as well as uk , i have 2 new cars, my kids have settled VERY WELL, got loads of friends, i love my life here if i didnt i would go somewhere else and start again, oz is not for everyone, the same as uk etc etc etc etc and scotland



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Jo my friend has just moved into a new house which they had built and it's taken over a year - whilst nothing went wrong with the building work - they were told the process was going to be much quicker. It was very frustrating and they were going down to the site a lot to make sure that everything was running smoothly. When we had a house built in the UK - it took 12 weeks, we couldn't believe it 3 months and we were moving in!


When are you going back?



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Guest Colin R

Winnie is 18 months old and stands with her paws on my shoulder and I am 5ft 5 inches We had a standard poodle some years ago and she is bigger. Her mother is a 3rd gen Ladradoodle her father was a huge Standard poodle.

As for sending him over have a word with Andy at Pinehawk Kennels in Newmarket he shipped the boys for us ( Jack Russels ) and he is excellant .



Hes a CNC Machinist Toolmaker. We wish we had waited until we got there to get our doodle now. He's only 7 months old and we got him before we made the decision to go for it so all and all he is going to be a very expensive pup by the time we have paid for him to go over!! still he is cute. I can't get quotes yet as he is still young and they need sizes to give quotes and I have no idea how big he is going to be. He's an F1 cross so still an unknown quantity!
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Guest phoenix01
Hi Pinhead.

I am in Brisbane been here almost 2 years.

Loads of reasons for leaving really but Family being the biggest.On the whole I have been really dissappointed with the place...find Brisbane really behind in the times and can take some getting used to.Christmas is a non event as far as I am concerned and thats not something you want your kids to miss out on.Had real problems with our house build and some peple may think this is funny but its been really difficult to deal with and no doubt has made the experiance harder.I find cost of living expensive and my husband has to work more hour for us to get by....Im sure you can understand that's not what we wanted. We had to increase our mortgage to get what I would class as a standard house and with intrest rates so High... this we were really dissappointed in. My husband HATES his job and I dont think there are many other companies that take on his trade.On the whole I find Brisbane really really boring.... its so quiet and I am slowing going mad.


I can also see the positives. Bigger houses(Although the novelty quickly wore off). Beaches and weather are a positive.I have made loads of friends that I wouldn't have meet had I not been out of my comfort zone and this is something Im going try to do in the UK.I think the family assistance program(Bit like Child benefit) is excellent and Oz are very supportive of the stay at home mum.Apart from that Im stuck Pinhead but no doubt I will remember others when Im back in bonny scotland.


:huh:Hi, I am in WA at the mo and me and my family are heading back to UK. We were considering going to Brisbane as I thought that it would be alot different to Perth but from your quote I would say not. The grass is not greener as they say! Good Luck with your move back!

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Guest Jaynie
I can answer that for you...the same reasons as many...the false belief that my kids would have a "better" life here.


Do you really believe we put ourselfs and our family through the emigration process to come over here and hate it???


Maybe you should have a little understanding for the people who struggle over here...you never know it might be you one day....just look at Quoll it took her 15 years to want to return to the uk. I doubt VERY much that people take delight in tearing Oz to shreds ..infact Im positive they really want to feel the reverse.... but its just not for them.


I thank you for answering my question you are the only one to have answered by the way! And when I commented on certain people who delight in slating this country I did not actually have you in mind......


And as for your assumption that I do not have any understanding for the people who struggle over here, I do understand, don't forget I came over here myself leaving all my family in the UK, so I think I can speak from my own experience... Thank you!However I have lived here for 15yrs and plan on spending the rest of my days over here.


If you are a regular on the forums, you may have come across some of the posts that I have read with regard to slating everything they perceive as bad in Australia and I don't think I actually posted anything wrong in stating what I did as this is my opinion if that's okay with you!

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Jo my friend has just moved into a new house which they had built and it's taken over a year - whilst nothing went wrong with the building work - they were told the process was going to be much quicker. It was very frustrating and they were going down to the site a lot to make sure that everything was running smoothly. When we had a house built in the UK - it took 12 weeks, we couldn't believe it 3 months and we were moving in!


When are you going back?




Hi Ali


Think we have been really unlucky with our house build we were told it would take 16 weeks to build and its been 18 months and not finished yet.We tried to cancel the contract but we were getting charged 16k for pulling out :nah: The company has been on a current affair twice recently so we are not alone...never mind almost over.



We havent booked anything yet but will be going home for christmas....however Hubby waiting to hear about a Job starting in September..if all goes well we are leaving it in the hands of solicitor and flying back...fingers crossed... checking emails very day..feels like the bloody visa process all over again .

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I thank you for answering my question you are the only one to have answered by the way! And when I commented on certain people who delight in slating this country I did not actually have you in mind......


And as for your assumption that I do not have any understanding for the people who struggle over here, I do understand, don't forget I came over here myself leaving all my family in the UK, so I think I can speak from my own experience... Thank you!However I have lived here for 15yrs and plan on spending the rest of my days over here.


If you are a regular on the forums, you may have come across some of the posts that I have read with regard to slating everything they perceive as bad in Australia and I don't think I actually posted anything wrong in stating what I did as this is my opinion if that's okay with you!


You are indeed entitled to post your opinion as am I.I am so glad you are happy here and it must be very reassuring for the people wanting to emigrate to hear your story.

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