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OK we have had OZ v UK now lets have which area of OZ is the best?

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Guest Bride2B
:chatterbox:Can I ask what your reasons r for moving to Oz? I have a young family of 3 boys and it was a tough decision to move and we have no regrets but I hugely recommend that you research well before taking such a big step.


Sorry not responded, have been so amazed to have good weather at last have barely set foot indoors :jiggy:First BBQ of the year too!


Reason for moving is OH wants to and I don't want to be left behind! Plus am hoping for better life as can't afford to get a house here. Know what you mean about doing research as you made me think anew about why we want to go now as opposed to when we started the process. Life doesn't just stop once you have applied and are waiting for visa, e.g. house prices have been dropping in the UK since we decided to apply, by the time we get to OZ, who knows what the market might be like then in either country.

Sorry to hear your baby has not been well, it must be very hard without lots of support from friends/family. I am very concerned about leaving behind all the support I have with my child from wonderful friends, can only hope that we choose the right place and that there are lots of toddler groups and so on to help meet people.


Wishing you all the best for the remainder of your stay in OZ and the move back home.

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Guest heather j

Hi All.....i read posts all the time, i ask peoples advice all the time....which is probably a mistake as so many people so many views...so i think i will just go and find out for myself.....some love Perth some love Melbourne...Do you think ...when you buy a house you just know when you walk through the door if its the right one, well i am kind of hoping i will know when i get off the plane that Melbourne is for us !!!! Perth isn't, although its lovely and has many advantages, we have made mistakes here and had a very stressful and broke year and a bit, quite a big bit actually.....i think your own personal experiences which ever destination you choose will make all the difference....Hubby hates his job(but can't afford to leave) , daughter hated her school, I hate being isolated, we all miss family,(could go on with a huge list ) but again only personal !! really don't wan't to give up so am going to try Melbourne...I think !!! well its Melbourne this week last week it was somewhere else !!! im driving my family nucking futs....not sure if im jumping out of the frying pan into the fire though...especially as we will be doing this on the tiniest of a budget.( credit card probably...again)....scary..but i think if i don't move i will sit in a corner and rock for days even years, so i say good luck to me, boy im gonna need it...

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Guest sparkyinoz

CAIRNS tropical garden city............ The only place in the world that has two world heritage listings on your back door.. Daintree rain forest and Great Barrier Reef X X X X X X X X X X X X X X


Sure it's hot here but thats probably one of the main reasons I moved here, love the HEAT...


cheap houses, great people, mutli cultural city, great restaurants, Wicked sunday sesh...........



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Guest John Sydney

To me the best place to live is Sydney. Anything West of the Sydney harbour Bridge is Outback Australia as far as I am concerned.


Perth = to far away to worry about

Adelaide = Full of Churches and Poms

Melbourne = Old Money city of Australia now trying to keep up with Sydney

and failing

Tasmania = Still trying to stop them marrying close family members . a lot two headed people down that way

Brisbane = Just a large hick Country town


Darwin = Full of Drunks and escaped Tasmanians



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