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the woes of england

Guest tim_the_taf

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Guest Robert
before you get wildly excited about buying lots of booze out here, its a lot more expensive than in blighty. wine is $15 - 20 upwards for anything half decent (and difficult to get anything other than aussie wine), and beer is about $8.50 a pint. Food prices are higher and don't get the competition you get with Tesco and Asda. Anything "cheap" here falls apart, whereas "cheap" stuff from Asda lasts pretty well. We waited until we went back to the UK to buy clothes; unless you want surf gear or high end designer stuff, there's not a lot of choice, and its overpriced. The grass ain't always greener...


ALDI are not over in WA, and do not have immediate plans to open there either. :(


Some beer prices are quoted on How much does beer cost in an Australian Pub? - Yahoo!7 Answers

pubs and RSL are similar prices, pubs tend to have a lot more happy hours than RSL's so it depends, happy hours go for 3 to 4 hours and go for $2 schooners otherwise its $3.50 for schooners and $2.50 for middies in NSW


Again though that's on the East coast, I have no idea on WA prices.

A Schooner is 425ml or 75% of a pint, but in Victoria it is 485ml or 85% of a pint.


You can get an idea of some wine quality/prices at: www.winemarket.com.au/10_Wine_and_under_s/3.htm


or BWS - Beer, Wine, Spirits which is the Woolworths owned bottle shops in almost every suburb.

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Guest beermeister
before you get wildly excited about buying lots of booze out here, its a lot more expensive than in blighty. wine is $15 - 20 upwards for anything half decent (and difficult to get anything other than aussie wine), and beer is about $8.50 a pint. Food prices are higher and don't get the competition you get with Tesco and Asda. Anything "cheap" here falls apart, whereas "cheap" stuff from Asda lasts pretty well. We waited until we went back to the UK to buy clothes; unless you want surf gear or high end designer stuff, there's not a lot of choice, and its overpriced. The grass ain't always greener...


Couldn't agree more on prices: we've been in UK for almost 7 years and we always say that food, clothing, and alcohol are cheaper in the UK than in Oz. And true on the higher quality of clothing in UK (can't say much about the fashion sense in the UK though).


My basic rule on cost of living: besides utilities (gas, electricty, water) and public transport, living a basic life in the UK is cheaper than in Oz BUT if you want to go out lots, that's when it starts racking up in the UK.

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Couldn't agree more on prices: we've been in UK for almost 7 years and we always say that food, clothing, and alcohol are cheaper in the UK than in Oz. And true on the higher quality of clothing in UK (can't say much about the fashion sense in the UK though).


My basic rule on cost of living: besides utilities (gas, electricty, water) and public transport, living a basic life in the UK is cheaper than in Oz BUT if you want to go out lots, that's when it starts racking up in the UK.


I have been very pleasantly surprised by the cost of going out to eat in UK - what is it with the pubs these days? Some of them are almost gourmet and you can get a very nice meal for very little. My aged rellies dine out more than they dine in these days I think - their local pub is a gem and they get a nutritious meal without the hassle of going and buying stuff and then cooking it. At 85 they are entitled to a bit of luxury! DH and I got quite substantial breakfasts the other day for much less than £8 for the two of us - wouldnt be getting that in Aus (we were travelling). I have been surprised at the cost of things in the supermarkets - I think Waitrose is my favourite at the moment although Sainsburys is a close second and for fruit and veg (super selection at the moment) you cant go past the market for quality and quantity. Of course, the exchange rate is helping for once in my life but even so, it is still very good value.


DH is pestering me to take him to Asda because he has heard about it as a chain - now to find one!!!

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I have been very pleasantly surprised by the cost of going out to eat in UK - what is it with the pubs these days? Some of them are almost gourmet and you can get a very nice meal for very little. My aged rellies dine out more than they dine in these days I think - their local pub is a gem and they get a nutritious meal without the hassle of going and buying stuff and then cooking it. At 85 they are entitled to a bit of luxury! DH and I got quite substantial breakfasts the other day for much less than £8 for the two of us - wouldnt be getting that in Aus (we were travelling). I have been surprised at the cost of things in the supermarkets - I think Waitrose is my favourite at the moment although Sainsburys is a close second and for fruit and veg (super selection at the moment) you cant go past the market for quality and quantity. Of course, the exchange rate is helping for once in my life but even so, it is still very good value.


DH is pestering me to take him to Asda because he has heard about it as a chain - now to find one!!!



Hi Quoll,


Waitrose, oh my goodness, Waitrose!! Things must be high in Oz if you think Waitrose is vfm (or is it just the selection that you are impressed with??!) I don't know, suffice to say, we haven't got one in Newport!!!



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Waitrose!! we would have to win the lottery to be able to afford to buy from there!! We are so skint living in Edinburgh compared to living in Perth. Thses school holidays have been the longest 7 seven weeks of my life trying to entertain 4 boys with no money and rubbish weather! At the beginning of July we decided to take the long drive to Kent to try and get some good weather so we could go to the beach and do things that do not cost much money, of course the weather was shocking and we ended up spending almost 400 quid on petrol throughout the week!! We decided one day to try and be positive and ignore the weather and go down to the beach anyway! OMG the torrential rain was a nightmare and my 4 and 6 year old were so cold that we had to nip to the shops and buy them another jumper!!

I am under no illusion that Australia is cheap by any stretch of the imagination but in our jobs we were so much better off than living here. We thought we would give it a go again being near family and friends but 2 years later this does not make up for the feelings of being constantly broke and worrying about money.

The novelty of 'rugging up' in this country soon wears off when you are trying to entertain 4 kids in the rain!!

Sorry for this rant but I had to get if off my chest:arghh:


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Guest earlswood
unseasoned wood ?????? gosh that burns well doesn't it ? perhaps thats why they can't sell it and have to dump it. maybe ? possibly? perhaps ???

Right Tim....put brain into gear......you have to store wood for at least 12 months before in is any good for burning....you have wood ready to go and wood seasoning...not to hard to figure out is it..:biglaugh:


And Oz is at least 30% more expensive to live than the UK.

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Guest Pinhead

And Oz is at least 30% more expensive to live than the UK.


It depends where you live, not if you live in London. From a previous thread I started.


Mercer's 2008 Cost of Living survey highlights


For those of you who are interested in a comparison of the cost of living across the world the above link is an international survey carried out by Mercer comparing 200 items & 143 countries. Note one of the big impactors on this survey are currency movements (ie weakening of GBP makes UK cheaper strength AUD makes Oz more expensive)


Moscow is the most expensive with Tokyo 2nd.

London is down 1 place to 3rd

Sydney is up 6 places to 15th

Melbourne is up 28 places to to 36th

All the other major aussie cities are outside the top 50

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It depends where you live, not if you live in London. From a previous thread I started.


Mercer's 2008 Cost of Living survey highlights


For those of you who are interested in a comparison of the cost of living across the world the above link is an international survey carried out by Mercer comparing 200 items & 143 countries. Note one of the big impactors on this survey are currency movements (ie weakening of GBP makes UK cheaper strength AUD makes Oz more expensive)


Moscow is the most expensive with Tokyo 2nd.

London is down 1 place to 3rd

Sydney is up 6 places to 15th

Melbourne is up 28 places to to 36th

All the other major aussie cities are outside the top 50


So are you saying that all of us that actually live here and say its more expensive are wrong?

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Guest Pinhead

I didn't say that If you read my post and the attached survey.

If you lived in London before it is cheaper to live in a major city in Oz.

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Guest earlswood
I didn't say that If you read my post and the attached survey.

If you lived in London before it is cheaper to live in a major city in Oz.


Load of *****cks, Perth is much more expensive with food, booze eating out and general cost of living than in London.. Fuel and rent is more expensive in London but that is about it.....do not believe these googled and pasted results that you are so fond of.


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Guest Pinhead
Load of *****cks, Perth is much more expensive with food, booze eating out and general cost of living than in London.. Fuel and rent is more expensive in London but that is about it.....do not believe these googled and pasted results that you are so fond of.




Just doing research like everyone who is migrating to Australia should.


If you think that it's over 30% more expensive to live in Perth than London then you are completely deluded. If that was the case Perth would be by far the most expensive city in the world to live in, when in reality it doesn't each reach the top 50!

All of these surveys consistently put London in the top 5 if not top 3 most expensive cities in the world to live.

If you read the survey, which by the way is by a very highly respected company, you'll see that it's based on 200 different items not just chicken & alcohol!


I'm not saving that for some people it won't be more expensive to live in Australia because it will but you can't just make blanket statements saying it will be 'at least 30% more expensive to live than the UK' because not only is it misleading but it's also a lie.

In your circumstances it may be but for others it won't.

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Just doing research like everyone who is migrating to Australia should.


If you think that it's over 30% more expensive to live in Perth than London then you are completely deluded. If that was the case Perth would be by far the most expensive city in the world to live in, when in reality it doesn't each reach the top 50!

All of these surveys consistently put London in the top 5 if not top 3 most expensive cities in the world to live.

If you read the survey, which by the way is by a very highly respected company, you'll see that it's based on 200 different items not just chicken & alcohol!


I'm not saving that for some people it won't be more expensive to live in Australia because it will but you can't just make blanket statements saying it will be 'at least 30% more expensive to live than the UK' because not only is it misleading but it's also a lie.

In your circumstances it may be but for others it won't.


Maybe we sould do our own POI poll/research with things such as child care, weekly shop, average mortgage payments, car running costs ect ect... the questions will need to be comprehensive and well thought out. maybe this could be a group effort? If its done correctly i believe a lot of people (migration agents, relocation agents ect) would be interested in this data.

Anyone interested in setting this up?? I would do it my self but I did a "belbin" test at my last UK company and it turned out that i'm a "plant"

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Guest Pinhead


But that's what that survey has done, look at the list of things it covers. You can't get more comprehensive really.

The problem with any cost of living comparison is that everyone's circumstances will be different. e.g. do you base it on a single person or married couple with 2 kids & a dog?

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Guest penny&hertwolads

Granted i am sat here with my third (?) hic! glass of Sauvingon blanc but i have just been checking out woodburners in the UK in order to enhance the sale of my house and all the info I have gathered is that its a no brainer. Seasoned wood is greener, stylish and cheeper then Gas particularly if we are to believe the pending price rises.


cheers !!


Penny x Melbourne bound 2008/9

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But that's what that survey has done, look at the list of things it covers. You can't get more comprehensive really.

The problem with any cost of living comparison is that everyone's circumstances will be different. e.g. do you base it on a single person or married couple with 2 kids & a dog?


Well I for one (and maybe i stand alone)would be interested to compare what real people living life day to day in Australia come up with as opposed to "professional" researchers.


Just thought it would be an interesting experiment, I'm not doing it as a pee-ing contest (:notworthy: Brickie)

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Guest West Sussex Si

I've just wasted 30 mins of my life reading this slanging match that you call a thread. And that's 30 mins of my life that I'm not getting back, thanks!

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I've just wasted 30 mins of my life reading this slanging match that you call a thread. And that's 30 mins of my life that I'm not getting back, thanks!

what else would you have done in 30 mins?

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Guest West Sussex Si
what else would you have done in 30 mins?



I could've flicked through the yellow pages, ordered a wood burner and then headed down to my local Wetherspoons and ordered a pint of fosters.


But that would be stupid, right?



Thanks for the laughs, but i'm out of here :SLEEP:

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I could've flicked through the yellow pages, ordered a wood burner and then headed down to my local Wetherspoons and ordered a pint of fosters.


But that would be stupid, right?



Thanks for the laughs, but i'm out of here :SLEEP:


but you're still here......

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Guest JoanneHattersley
Well I for one (and maybe i stand alone)would be interested to compare what real people living life day to day in Australia come up with as opposed to "professional" researchers.


:skeptical:What do ya wanna know??? Are you looking for the cost implications?Im in Brissie and I can give you a few things..........(off the top of me head!)



  • Fuel - cheaper here

  • Rates - cheaper here

  • Food - some is cheaper but 95% is dearer here now

  • Alcohol - dearer in Oz

  • Foxtel - Dearer in Oz compared to UK equivilent

  • Health care - I have the lucky priviledge here to have private cover and the healthcare that I have had has been exceptional.

  • Meals out - Some cheaper but again, most dearer

  • Manners of kids - much better here than in the UK

  • Traffic congestion - much better here than where I used to live.

  • IKEA - $ for pound pretty much!

If I think of any more I`ll come back!:cool:

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forget i mentioned it.. It would be far too complex and time consuming. I was thinking of of taking say a butcher, baker, candlstick maker and working out on a percentage basis, how much of their income goes on groceries, petrol bla bla bla. Maybe some senarios like say how much of a brickies take home pay (%) would go on 1 packet of fags, 6 pints of lager, fish and chips and a taxi home type of thing....

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Guest earlswood
Just doing research like everyone who is migrating to Australia should.


If you think that it's over 30% more expensive to live in Perth than London then you are completely deluded. If that was the case Perth would be by far the most expensive city in the world to live in, when in reality it doesn't each reach the top 50!

All of these surveys consistently put London in the top 5 if not top 3 most expensive cities in the world to live.

If you read the survey, which by the way is by a very highly respected company, you'll see that it's based on 200 different items not just chicken & alcohol!


I'm not saving that for some people it won't be more expensive to live in Australia because it will but you can't just make blanket statements saying it will be 'at least 30% more expensive to live than the UK' because not only is it misleading but it's also a lie.

In your circumstances it may be but for others it won't.



Please listen......these surveys are rubbish, they probably take Harrods and The Ritz and going to a top show in London into the survey….a person who actually LIVES in London goes to Aldi and the numerous meat and vegetable markets to shop and drinks in the bars where beer is reasonable, these surveys are a snap shot without the knowledge of knowing where to shop.

Believe me..Oz is much more expensive to live, you have never lived in Perth and London as I have….how the hell do you know except for your goggled results….I am living it.

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Guest Pinhead
Please listen......these surveys are rubbish, they probably take Harrods and The Ritz and going to a top show in London into the survey….a person who actually LIVES in London goes to Aldi and the numerous meat and vegetable markets to shop and drinks in the bars where beer is reasonable, these surveys are a snap shot without the knowledge of knowing where to shop.

Believe me..Oz is much more expensive to live, you have never lived in Perth and London as I have….how the hell do you know except for your goggled results….I am living it.


Says the man that Googles everything!


You've not lived in London for 2 years so you don't know what the prices are like now.

The same as I don't live Perth so I don't know what the prices are there.

That's the whole point in these surveys they do detailed analysis on 200 items (not just food & alcohol) in 143 different cities at the same point in time.


I'm sure people will put a much higher reliance on an unbiased internationally renown company than someone who has an axe to grind against Perth & Australia in general.

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