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Fishy Funeral!

Que Sera Sera

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You know how you worry about your kids and how they will react! well my 14 year old daughters goldfish was "a floating" on the top of his tank this morning. I flushed him down the loo and got rid before she woke up and before our 7 year old son got up. I was stressed I was worried. Anyway about 5 hours after my daughter got up she asked " Where is the fish tank?" I said he had died. She asked where he had gone and I told her he had had a burial at sea. She laughed!! my Son has not even noticed and now he is in bed. My point I guess I am making is very often its our worries and anxieties not our childrens!!!!:yes:

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We lost a fish just after Nemo came out at the movies. Daughter looked sad and when I talked about flushing it she brightened and said Well I guess "All drains lead to the sea". Came in very handy.

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Good news that your kids aren't that bothered. We got a fish tank after the kids whined they wanted a fish (like Elmo's fish, Dorothy!), but then they ignored them completely. I hate fish, and we were due to go away for a few days, so got rid of it to a lady who wanted one for her kids. As soon as they got back from kindy it was "Where are the fish?", and tears from my little girl. Felt really guilty, but they forgot about it the day after.

Jo x

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Good news that your kids aren't that bothered. We got a fish tank after the kids whined they wanted a fish (like Elmo's fish, Dorothy!), but then they ignored them completely. I hate fish, and we were due to go away for a few days, so got rid of it to a lady who wanted one for her kids. As soon as they got back from kindy it was "Where are the fish?", and tears from my little girl. Felt really guilty, but they forgot about it the day after.

Jo x


Third day in and my Son has still not noticed it missing. He fell off his bike earlier I wonder if he banged his head? The cat is now asleep where the fishtank used to be and he has even said hello to the cat and still not noticed. I am begining to think there is something wrong with him. If I had thought I would have got away with getting rid of it I would have done it years ago. I am like you I can't stand them and have had to clean the damn thing out each week! :wacko:

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Guest The Thomsons

Yep- agree they are a flippin pain. We've got to get rid of ours as heading off very soon. It would be easier if I could find him floating....

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Yep- agree they are a flippin pain. We've got to get rid of ours as heading off very soon. It would be easier if I could find him floating....


You just reminded me of an episode of Airline I saw when someone tried to board a plain with a fish in a plastic bag. I wonder how much they would charge you for transporting a fish £1000 £2000?

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I can't stand them and have had to clean the damn thing out each week! :wacko:


That's how I was. They seemed to need cleaning out more often here too, don't know why. One of them kept trying to leap out of the net and get me every time I cleaned the tank; I am scared of fish, and that didn't help!!

Strange he hasn't noticed yet; guess that's just men for you!

Jo x

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