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I am very confused!

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Guest barab
But Barab.......and I am not shooting you down in flames here........but doesn't this boil down to your own needs and wants from life? Yes I would love the ideal of swimming in the Barrier Reef daily, but as you pointed out...this is life, we have to work daily to earn a crust and there will be days if not weeks when we can't go and do what we want when we want for one reason and another, this is just the same as life in the UK.


Some people would just be happy with the weather being nicer than the UK or a slightly bigger house, or just to see the smiles on their kids faces, it's not all about money at the end of the day, it's about being happy.......We only get one life....try and make the best of it whether it's the UK or OZ.


Just my opinion.


Totally agree,

That is my point exactly Jaynie,theres too many people and programs in the UK(GMTV) telling people that you come here and surf all day every day all year,and it's wrong,yes OK the weather is better but that is just about it in my opinion,when push comes to shove you have bills to pay and it rains for days and the supermarkets are not as good.If you can cope with these changes then your on the right track.

I personally think that the distance between us and family is just too big and the life we had in the UK was much better than the material life we have over here.

All the best Jaynie.

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Totally agree,

That is my point exactly Jaynie,theres too many people and programs in the UK(GMTV) telling people that you come here and surf all day every day all year,and it's wrong,yes OK the weather is better but that is just about it in my opinion,when push comes to shove you have bills to pay and it rains for days and the supermarkets are not as good.If you can cope with these changes then your on the right track.

I personally think that the distance between us and family is just too big and the life we had in the UK was much better than the material life we have over here.

All the best Jaynie.


I think you hit the nail on the head the difference is I have no family here and my eldest daughter is in Australia so even if I didnt fancy the change the thought of missing her growing into an adult and all that brings is just too much. She will soon be 18 and I won't be there for that and she passed her driving test and I missed that. I don't want to miss anymore.

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Guest barab
I think you hit the nail on the head the difference is I have no family here and my eldest daughter is in Australia so even if I didnt fancy the change the thought of missing her growing into an adult and all that brings is just too much. She will soon be 18 and I won't be there for that and she passed her driving test and I missed that. I don't want to miss anymore.


Hope you get here quickly and safely.There is no better reason than being with family if you ask me.


All the best and I hope it works out for you/SIZE]

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I can see what Barab means about the media portraying Aus as perfection, but I think we are all lucky to have this found this forum so we can improve our knowledge of Australia and be aware of its pros and cons.


Can I just ask, Barab (and this certainly isn't a slight on you in any way) did you do much research before you went out to Oz? Do you think using a forum like PIO would have made you consider your decision more?


I'm honestly interested to know and I really hope you don't mind me asking.


Sorry to Cath for hijacking your thread, I won't do it again :notworthy:


Mrs Tyke xx

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Guest Jaynie
Totally agree,

That is my point exactly Jaynie,theres too many people and programs in the UK(GMTV) telling people that you come here and surf all day every day all year,and it's wrong,yes OK the weather is better but that is just about it in my opinion,when push comes to shove you have bills to pay and it rains for days and the supermarkets are not as good.If you can cope with these changes then your on the right track.

I personally think that the distance between us and family is just too big and the life we had in the UK was much better than the material life we have over here.

All the best Jaynie.


Yes I agree with you too...........this was a good post .......sometimes though people on here post a lot of negative things and this can upset people who have spent thousands on trying to get over here only to read a lot of negatives, it's up to them to decide if it's right for them as everyone is different. As I sit here now, there is a storm brewing up, it's cold and I have the heating going, I've been to work and come home had tea and watch the telly, just as I would do in the UK, no beach or barbie for me today, but the long and short of it is....I am happy living here, all my immediate family live in the UK, hubbies live over here althought they are scattered all over NSW and we might not see them for months on end.


I speak from the heart, there are things that might annoy me, but in general I enjoy my life over here and sometimes people attack you for posting that it's a great place to live, this is my home and the same people go on the attack when anyone mentions any negatives about the UK.


Everyone is different, we should respect peoples views on whether they like living in the UK or Oz without the nasty comments that sometimes happen on here.


I can see both the good and bad of both countries, and they are both Great Countries at the end of the day.

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I can see what Barab means about the media portraying Aus as perfection, but I think we are all lucky to have this found this forum so we can improve our knowledge of Australia and be aware of its pros and cons.


Can I just ask, Barab (and this certainly isn't a slight on you in any way) did you do much research before you went out to Oz? Do you think using a forum like PIO would have made you consider your decision more?


I'm honestly interested to know and I really hope you don't mind me asking.


Sorry to Cath for hijacking your thread, I won't do it again :notworthy:


Mrs Tyke xx


Your very welcome! I do it all the time! :mask:

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Guest barab
Yes I agree with you too...........this was a good post .......sometimes though people on here post a lot of negative things and this can upset people who have spent thousands on trying to get over here only to read a lot of negatives, it's up to them to decide if it's right for them as everyone is different. As I sit here now, there is a storm brewing up, it's cold and I have the heating going, I've been to work and come home had tea and watch the telly, just as I would do in the UK, no beach or barbie for me today, but the long and short of it is....I am happy living here, all my immediate family live in the UK, hubbies live over here althought they are scattered all over NSW and we might not see them for months on end.


I speak from the heart, there are things that might annoy me, but in general I enjoy my life over here and sometimes people attack you for posting that it's a great place to live, this is my home and the same people go on the attack when anyone mentions any negatives about the UK.


Everyone is different, we should respect peoples views on whether they like living in the UK or Oz without the nasty comments that sometimes happen on here.


I can see both the good and bad of both countries, and they are both Great Countries at the end of the day.



Like I say you get stuck in a rut and if your rut is better over here then you've made it.

It just so happened that our rut over there (Scotland) was better than the one were in here.


A lot of our friends are surprised were going home because of the social life we have,but it just always boils down to the one thing....Family.

They are not here and that's it in a nutshell.


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Guest Pinhead

Like I say you get stuck in a rut and if your rut is better over here then you've made it.

It just so happened that our rut over there (Scotland) was better than the one were in here.


A lot of our friends are surprised were going home because of the social life we have,but it just always boils down to the one thing....Family.

They are not here and that's it in a nutshell.



I've misjudged you I always thought you were leaving Australia because you didn't like the place. Going back home to be with your family is very admirable.

Good luck, I hope you will be happier back in bonny Scotland.


Ps It would be nice if you could come back and give everybody an update after being back home for 3 months.

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Guest barab
I can see what Barab means about the media portraying Aus as perfection, but I think we are all lucky to have this found this forum so we can improve our knowledge of Australia and be aware of its pros and cons.


Can I just ask, Barab (and this certainly isn't a slight on you in any way) did you do much research before you went out to Oz? Do you think using a forum like PIO would have made you consider your decision more?


I'm honestly interested to know and I really hope you don't mind me asking.


Sorry to Cath for hijacking your thread, I won't do it again :notworthy:


Mrs Tyke xx


I definately don't mind you asking,

I was sold this place by a friend who came over here first,he told me of sitting on the beach at smoko eating prawns and then you go surfing after work...Blah Blah Blah!


I came over without a recce(Big mistake) and it didn't meet expectations.

My wife used PIO for some info but there was nothing in here at the time that would have told us any different.

Anyway we booked flights today so were on our way soon.

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Guest Jaynie

Barab...I wish you well in returning to Scotland, it is a beautiful country after all, have friends in Dundee, Arbroath and Dunfermline, been there many a time and you can smell the cleanness when you pass Carlisle. So what....the weather isn't crash hot, but it's a lovely part of the world to live in!


Good luck

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I definately don't mind you asking,

I was sold this place by a friend who came over here first,he told me of sitting on the beach at smoko eating prawns and then you go surfing after work...Blah Blah Blah!


I came over without a recce(Big mistake) and it didn't meet expectations.

My wife used PIO for some info but there was nothing in here at the time that would have told us any different.

Anyway we booked flights today so were on our way soon.




Thanks for taking the time to reply. I can almost picture the big smile on your face now you know you're definitely going home, especially in plenty of time for Christmas with your family which I know you have missed so much.


All the best.


Mrs Tyke xx

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Guest barab

I've misjudged you I always thought you were leaving Australia because you didn't like the place. Going back home to be with your family is very admirable.

Good luck, I hope you will be happier back in bonny Scotland.


Ps It would be nice if you could come back and give everybody an update after being back home for 3 months.


Thanks for the nice words mate.

It is my prime reason for moving back home.I have met some great Aussie guys here and i will be friends for life with a lot of them.

I do think Britain is a better place to live mind you,but probably for the reason that i have family there.

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Thanks for the nice words mate.

It is my prime reason for moving back home.I have met some great Aussie guys here and i will be friends for life with a lot of them.

I do think Britain is a better place to live mind you,but probably for the reason that i have family there.


Best of luck with the move back!:spinny:

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Guest barab

Thanks guys,

It feels good actually to get some positive remarks.


I am so happy that my family and I are finally going to the place we want to be.


I will definately keep you informed of how i go and how crap the weather is.Ha Ha!!

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Guest barab

Ha Ha

Thanks for that Sykestykes


I only wish the flight was that quick!!

Genuinely thanks for the good wishes they mean a lot!

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I can see what Barab means about the media portraying Aus as perfection, but I think we are all lucky to have this found this forum so we can improve our knowledge of Australia and be aware of its pros and cons.


Can I just ask, Barab (and this certainly isn't a slight on you in any way) did you do much research before you went out to Oz? Do you think using a forum like PIO would have made you consider your decision more?


Happy Yorkshire day Tykes


You can do your research but its like a c up of tes or a pint of beer it looks nice but oned might like the taste and another dosent. We dint come on a rekky but your first few weeks are rekky mode and when the normality settles in you then start your new life. Been Yorkshire weather in WA plenty of the wet stuff again but roll on another 5 weeks or so then start warming up


champion like




aka Billy 6m

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Barab - your comparison to bullseye really made me smile - and I clicked your chick for that one!!


I think you're right that we settle into doing things that we did in the UK - hubby and I go to work and come home and still provide the taxi service for the kids. I think you can only do so much research it's once you get here and actually live and do the day to day things that will make your mind up.


You've got a wonderful xmas pressie to look forward to ..... being home !



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It is definately harder to get the cheaper way of life,we have been here nearly 2 years and if we moved now we would probably not be mortgage free or both working part-time.

Saying that it depends what you want your standard of living to be? moving here will be like starting adult life all over again ,just like when you bought your first home in the Uk,what you have to think was,,were you rich then? did you have all the luxurys then? .

You do get folks saying 'its so expensive,all the bills are in ,etc etc,foxtel normally being one bill,if you cant afford it dont get it! I also know a few poms who have arrived and gone and bought the big fancy 4 wheel drives,,why??? its not necessary,live within your means ,shop around and dont try and keep up with the jonseys,if you do you'll be ok.

Save every penny you can before you move out here and when you arrive and its converted into dollars ,dont blow it thinking your rich,use it wisely,when setting up home them dollars soon disapear!!!!

Also even though we have a fair few members returning to the Uk for one reason or another ,the amount of us who are happy and staying sure outweighs them.We have recruited soo many more members on this forum this last 6 months its only normal to have an increase in unhappy posters.


Cal x

Thank you

The oldgit

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