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EOI Inadvertent error ( Silly Mistake)

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got 491 invitation from ACT matrix, ACT use there own point system and only need 65 EOI point for nomination.

I mistakenly claim PY 5 points on EOI thinking i have to mention all PY I have done till invitation. My point on EOI was 90 points but i would have got invitation over 65 points for sure. I never know PY point can only be claimed if its for Nominated occupation. I would have never claimed this 5 point from PY if i was aware. 

I was totally unaware that I cant claim PY on Computing for pathology collector. I was just honest and wrote yes on questions if i have done py as I thought I should mention any PY done.
even the question is so confusing it asked as 
“Has the Client completed a gazetted professional year in Australia in the last 48 months?”

- I said Yes as I thought I must tell any PY I have done in this period.
I got s56 saying to provide proof on how py is related to professional year. What should i do?
It is just unintentional mistake and did not get that 5 point to be invited. In this case can case office reduce my point or reconsider?
I saw somewhere case officer van consider inadvertent error.
also, Called home affairs and they asked me to write a cover letter, but my concern is do COs have power to change points or offer anything?
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It’s a legal requirement for the visa grant that the points score as assessed by the decision maker is no lower than that claimed in the EOI. Unless you can make up the points somewhere else, you have a major issue. Get some professional help to make sure that you handle this properly. 

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3 hours ago, paulhand said:

It’s a legal requirement for the visa grant that the points score as assessed by the decision maker is no lower than that claimed in the EOI. Unless you can make up the points somewhere else, you have a major issue. Get some professional help to make sure that you handle this properly. 

Can you please help me, what should I do.

I am really stressed.

thank you

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As I see it you have 2 options.

1. Employee an agent to see if they can pull off some magic to dig you out of this hole

2. Recall your application (by saying you no longer want it) and apply again with the right points total

You won't get a positive outcome by hoping this will fix itself, as Paul said they legally can't allow you to be granted a visa if you declared points are higher than your actual points no matter how innocent a mistake it is.

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