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Which visa? Business innovation subclass 188?

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Hello Guys 

I am thinking/finding out if I can move to Australia to be with my sister who married an Australian man in the Uk and emigrated 10 years ago they have 2 kids near Sydney. I am 43 and my wife 40. 

I am her brother and I live in the UK, Surrey, our mother sadly has passed away 2 months ago and I am my sisters only direct family member left. I have 3 children and they have no direct cousins in the uk, twin girls age 8, a boy 12 and my wife who is Latvian born. Latvian passport she also has no family in the UK. They are in Latvia and France.

My Wife is also studying a level 5 diploma in nutrition and health coaching through well college global based in Sydney,  and she has a diploma in Naturopathic Nutrition by the school of modern naturopathy. Which I think is recognised in OZ. 

I run a business called Cadmap Limited (land topographical and measured building surveying) with 17 employees in Surrey UK, which I would like to continue working on if I moved, remotely as I work from home anyway, If that’s even possible or I would I have to sell the company to release funds. Ideally I’d like to expand my business in Australia and employ local People. 

As a family we currently have £360k equity in my house and my business is worth some money. Plus I could take some money out for investment. 

My nephew who lives in Australia wants to start a business with me if I came. 

Would we be accepted being the last remaining family member or would andy be able to advise us with other visas / applications?


Mike Brett



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Your qualifications, experience etc are all irrelevant to the "last remaining family member" visa, because that is based entirely on your family relationship.  However I doubt the visa will suit you, as there is a very long waiting list (only a small quota is granted each year). Based on the current waiting list, if you applied today, you would get your visa in about 25 years' time. 

The Business Innovation Visa is currently closed to new applicants, pending a review. This thread is relevant, and @Steve Elliott (who posted on that thread) is probably your man to talk to about it.  

Your other option would be to apply for a skilled visa (189 or 190), but I have no idea whether you'd be eligible.  You'll need to research and act on that very quickly, though, because you're fast approaching the point where you'll be too old (45 is the cutoff age). 

Sadly it is a fact of life that Australia is no longer crying out for migrants. It's still easier to get into Australia than to some other first-world countries, but not by as much as you might think.



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