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City & Guilds

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Hi all

I hoping someone can help me.

My husband is a HD heavy plant fitter. He has been qualified for 35yrs and has all his certifications.

He has applied for a lot FIFO but has been told his City & Guilds are not recognised in Australia. 

Would someone be able to point me in the right direction.


Thank you 


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Unfortunately for your husband, most FIFO & mining jobs will only recognise relevant tickets/certifications gained in Australia. I think the best option would be for him obtain the recognised certificates and go from there. Fortunately for him he has many years experience, when I worked remotely as a rigger there was many heavily certified workers with very little experience. Good luck

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6 hours ago, kirstie said:

My husband is a HD heavy plant fitter. He has been qualified for 35yrs and has all his certifications.

He has applied for a lot FIFO but has been told his City & Guilds are not recognised in Australia. 

I'm afraid that's a problem for most tradies.  Their British qualifications are recognised by Immigration to get a visa, but Australian employers don't recognise them. He would have to take some exams and probably work under a supervisor for about a year, before he's recognised as fully-qualified. 

How old is he? I ask because if you're thinking of migrating to Australia, the maximum age for a skilled visa is 45 years old.

Edited by Marisawright
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