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David M

David M

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I have a 9 year old Australian daughter but I am a UK resident. I would like to visit my daughter but do not know what visa to ask for. I was turned down for a evisa because immigration said I am not a tourist. I only wish to visit my daughter for 3 or 4 weeks per year. I would be greatful for any advice. 

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Weird, I would have thought you were exactly that, a tourist - unless you have some other history which might preclude a visa, like an overstay or abuse of a previous tourist visa by working or something or a criminal history - who knows what goes through Immigration's mind?!.  I guess your best bet would be to talk to a MARA agent and see if they have any magical solutions.  It may be that Immigration fear you will decide to stay and be with your daughter and wouldnt leave at the end of your holiday.  Mind you, they seem to be letting a whole load of other folk in for a "holiday" who openly state they have no intention of leaving and who then apply for some onshore visa.

Another alternative, of course, is for your daughter to visit you - she could fly as an unaccompanied minor if her mother would let her go.

Good luck, hope you can sort it out.  A girl needs a daddy

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10 hours ago, David M said:


I have a 9 year old Australian daughter but I am a UK resident. I would like to visit my daughter but do not know what visa to ask for. I was turned down for a evisa because immigration said I am not a tourist. I only wish to visit my daughter for 3 or 4 weeks per year. I would be greatful for any advice. 

UK Resident or UK Passport holder?  Generally to get a short stay visa you need to prove you are a Genuine Temporary Entrant so the fact you have family in Australia may have spooked them (assuming there isn't something you haven't mentioned).  An application for a SC600 visa would usually be the next logical link in the chain but having a refusal on record will make this harder.  As always a consult with a Registered Migration Agent is worth the money - they will advise on the best way to approach this and can help with the application if needed.  My contact details are on the website, linked below, but there are a number of RMAs on this forum who could help and the OMARA website has a comprehensive listing.  Good luck!

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